Konichiwa Tokyo!
Work’s been so crazy since I got back to Sydney that I’ve barely had time to sort through my Japan photos! It was nice taking a quick trip down September lane again though :)
There was a local festival just as we got in, called the matsuri, happening in Shibuya on Sunday. There were all these people with drums (and some flashing bums..) carting that little shrine you see in the back there - it was all quite cool to observe!
These photos aren’t in any particular order so I’ll just comment on them as I go along… This is the Meiji Shrine. It was one of my favourite places that we visited. It’s so peaceful out there in the forest even though it’s really central. Two weeks after this my cousin was there and he saw a traditional wedding at the shrine. He posted some photos, and it all looked out of a fairytale.. so beautiful!
A few revellers from the matsuri festival.
At the peak of Mount Fuji… doesn’t look much from here but we’re up at the fifth and highest station and only a few hours’ trek to the summit.
Always caffeined up!
The view from Saturdays Surf NYC in Daikanyama. They make a decent coffee!
I love all the little streets and the city made for good wandering grounds. The visual vernacular of Japan is so different from the Asia I grew up with, but at the same time it all feels so familiar from a lifetime of exposure to Japanese pop culture. I can’t really explain it, but I really felt quite at home here!
Way above the clouds on Mount Fuji!
Tokyo is such a cool blend of interesting suburbs, each one with its own personality. A seamless combination of old and new; technology is everywhere here. On my first night someone had to show me how to order my dinner from an automated menu outside the restaurant! I should tell you about the toilet seats that opened up to greet you as you approached… but I won’t go into any detail.
Daikanyama.. another favourite suburb.
I don’t have too many photos of me not taken by mom (it was hard to explain how to use my camera) but here is one taken by my host who definitely knew his way around a camera. Some times it’s just serendipity with these things :) I managed to catch up with some friends briefly too, but toward the end of my trip I started putting the camera away more. Tokyo is pretty intense and I just wanted to enjoy it.
Mexican beers and soft serve in the middle of Tokyo!
Mom and I don’t spend too much time together since I live in Sydney so it was nice spending all this time with her. It was also her birthday so I booked us in for a lunch at Narisawa. One of the best meals I’ve ever had in my life!
I love this photo! Also taken by my host - it sums up Tokyo for me in may ways!
I was stalking this girl a little bit because I wanted to get a closer look at her bag!
Just some nice light on one of the streets.. I don’t remember exactly where this was but probably near Ueno somewhere.
Narisawa - such a memorable meal!
Our cute neighbourhood.
Another unbelievable dish from Narisawa. Stuffed squid with freeze dried squid ink powder that made inky puddles in the sauce as it came down to temperature, after the mist clears… so visual.
Sake barrels.
No one likes a stinky boot.
So someone brought to my attention there were 100,000 restaurants in Tokyo. Without fact checking, it actually sounds plausible. I really dig the quaint, hole-in-the-wall places and some of these only seat 2-4 people. This one looked interesting. It was by the train tracks. I think I’ll just have to make another trip there soon.
I was distracted more by how the glass made these pretty graphic shadows - but these white peaches were divine.
The famous Shibuya crossing! Crazy amount of people going in all directions at once. Organised chaos - a bit like the rest of the city. I love wandering around during peak hour - the train network in Tokyo is absolute insanity. So efficient!
Neon lights! I’m half disappointed that I don’t have many night photos; next time then.
The beef is so incredible there, we were so lucky to have tried some of the best.
Crazy queues for famous sushi joints at the Tsukiji Markets. It was a bit touristy in some ways but the food was incredible anyhow.
Can’t say I had a bad meal in Tokyo. Talk about a food destination!
Post-sushi coma at Maguro-bito. Funny story - I never knew my mom didn’t eat raw fish until we came here and I ordered for two. Definitely had a proper coma after!
Wandering around the upmarket shopping streets of Ginza.
Imperial gardens.
You can’t see the horizon for the buildings from the Skytree! There was an earthquake while we were in Tokyo, but we were on the train and kind of missed it. I’m still not sure how to feel about that.
I get it now, the whole Tokyo thing. It’s a really cool city with some of the nicest strangers I’ve ever met. Good times - I will be back soon!

Sooae Lee
http://awayfromtheblue.blogspot.com/ Mica
http://www.absolutely-fuzzy.com/ steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com
http://awayfromtheblue.blogspot.com/ Mica
http://www.absolutely-fuzzy.com/ steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com
http://www.absolutely-fuzzy.com/ steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com