Entries Tagged as 'apartment'

Housekeeping and inspiration

posted on: January 14, 2024

This landed in my inbox today and is too gorgeous not to share - Vogue.com’s Lauren Santo Domingo turns the camera on herself:

I really like looking at how other people store their books, especially those with a huge collection. Saw this today and I just love the combination of earthy colours, retro furniture (is that a Saarinen tulip table I spy in the first picture?) and eclectic collection of knick knacks and accessories (hippo bar?? yes please).. and a whole wall of vinyls! Love!

Images from (and more) here.

Feeling inspired again to continue working on my apartment. I have some leftover furniture that from earlier that I need to get rid of, which is taking up too much space. My apartment lacks serious storage, though it’s not really a design flaw. Existing built-ins are quite enough for the average person but I have too many shoes! Finally did a massive clean and have bags of clothes, handbags and accessories that will be driven off to Salvo’s this weekend hopefully! A bit ashamed of my consumption habits, some of these things are brand new with tags still on and I can’t be bothered to list them on eBay. An unofficial 2011 resolution perhaps - stop buying things I don’t really need! How many of you do that? It’s hard to be a girl! :)

I’m really looking forward to my weekend although it’s hard to top last Sunday.. hope you have a great one wherever you are!

Absolutely Fuzzy