Entries Tagged as 'coff’s harbour'

Blue days / All of them gone / Nothing but blue skies / From now on

posted on: April 8, 2024

We stopped at Coff’s Harbour for the night just to break up the long drive. When I wandered out in the early morning the surf was drenched in sunlight and looked a lot different from when we arrived late at night.

Then we made a pit stop at Byron Bay, to the lighthouse where I once visited more than ten years ago.

Isn’t the lighthouse gorgeous? I think it had a little repaint since the last time I saw it :)

This here is the most easterly point of the Australian mainland:

And after drinking in the view it was a long hike back uphill… my dad is more in shape than I am!

There’s just something about endless blue skies, or the sea, that rejuvenates the spirit.

[Post title: Blue Skies; Ella Fitzgerald]