Hello from Paris! I can’t believe the perfect weather we’ve had since we touched down in London last week - hope I haven’t just jinxed …
Road tripping
We took a road trip down South on the weekend whilst my parents are visiting and dad had an alpaca burger at the Berry Hotel. The last two…
Not usually excited about new tees but this sand shade is so flattering and those midnight silk panels give it an easy athletic vibe. I’m …
The Beginning
Picking up slowly from where I last left off.. 2015 has kicked off pretty decently for me. I’m outdoors a lot enjoying the warm weather and…
Great Heights
It’s hard to believe 2014 is already almost over. Currently on our way to Tasmania and wondering if I’ve packed warmly enough/thinking of …
Gifts under $100
01 / HELMUT LANG Micro Modal Triangle bra
02 / EVERLANE Shorthand Quotes Stationery
03 / REN SKINCARE Moroccan Rose Otto Bath Oil
Blending In
I blogged a while back about shopping less. If anything blogging has taught me, it is that fast fashion is ultimately, fast. I found myse…
In Theory
Feels like an age ago when we took these but it was actually only a few days ago in Kuala Lumpur. Being on the road with a seriously minima…
Closet Favourites
This is one of my recent outfits that I really liked but didn’t get to document fully. Nothing new here though, just a few things I’ve been weari…
Le ciel
I was cranked up to eleven on caffeine and sugar at the Aromafest on Sunday so this was the perfect getup for bouncing around. I may or may…