The skinny

One of my go-to outfits - skinny jeans, tank top and a sweater thrown over. I wear this combo pretty often; so much that I’ve had to buy new replacement jeans just last week as these were beginning to fade after being religiously worn for three years. I now have all three Cheap Monday cuts of black skinnies (second skin, zip low, tight) not that you would be able to tell from pictures as the differences are pretty subtle, and the second skin ones are my favourites. Highly recommended, and for around $65 a pop you can’t really go wrong!

Nique singlet, Cheap Monday jeans, Wanderlust+Co / Chan Luu bracelet, Jeffrey Campbell Arizona booties, Celine sunnies. Photos by W.

  • Samantha

    Gorgeous pics Steph! Love the colors and that sweater!

    xo, sam

  • annette

    lol i tend to buy/stock up on awesome pieces that just work so damn well too!


  • chocolatecookiesandcandies

    This is totally my kind of look. I’m amazed you can go about without a coat. I sure miss the winters back home.

    • Stephanie

      High of 22c today and all weekend. It’s getting a lot warmer now! ;)

  • Call me M

    The jeans look fantastic on you! But I really loved your sweater!

  • LifeStyle Journal

    Perfect skinny jeans is my fashion must-have forever!!! First thing I will buy after pregnancy is gorgeous skinnies!!!
    This outfit is minimal and super stylish!!! Love this kind of casual looks!!!

    Have a nice weekend!!!

  • Jess

    Cute!!! loving the shoes too! ox

  • Stephanie / FAIIINT

    I have a bit of an addiction to Cheap Monday black skinnies too… they are such a good fit & like you said you really can’t complain for the price, I’ve spent probably 3 times as much on jeans & the fit wasn’t even as good as these! Loving the black & orange too, I can’t get enough of it at the moment, I just wish we’d get some sun like this so I would be in the mood to wear it more… I am so unbelievably jealous that your having ‘Winter’ & yet your weather is still better than our ‘Summer’! Hah!

  • Tina

    Lovely outfit. Cool and sporty!

  • http://fashionblends.blogspot FashionBlends

    Love the sweater
    would love for you to check out my new post

  • bravoerunway

    I will have to check out Cheap Monday! Hope they sell their clothing line in the US. I love this outfit and the shoes too :)

  • Caterina @ Not Just A Pretty Dress

    This look suits you so well! Love the sunnies and the orange shade of your jumper and camel boots complete the ensemble so nicely!