Ultimate trainers

I’ve been waiting so long for the right colour way to come along with these Nikes. I had such a specific design in my head that I don’t know why it never occurred to me that I should just customise one myself with NIKEiD.

When I realised you can customise just about any shoe had these made up immediately! I’m a bit amazed at how much you can do with these - from the flywire right down to the sliver of underlay under the heel mesh. I could even get my initials on this but decided against it in the end. Fingers crossed they get here before Christmas - so excited!

Link to this design here.

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  • http://girlvsmountain.blogspot.ch/ sara

    Great call! I’ve been buying multiple pair of Roshes in search for that elusive, versatile color combination… You could say you’ve taken matters in your own hands!

  • http://awayfromtheblue.blogspot.com Mica

    They look fantastic, love the slight gradient to them! Hope they do arrive before Christmas for you :)

  • http://uniformlydressed.wordpress.com Kristina

    Let us know how your NIKEID experience goes. I’ve always been curious about ordering shoes in that fashion. When they changed the design of the Lunarglides in the 6th version, I kind of regret not getting custom Lunarglide 5s whose design I prefer more.

    Love the ombre fade on this one too.

  • http://susiesoso.blogspot.co.uk Sue

    Err … I love them! They are indeed a thing of beauty. Fingers crossed you get them in time for Christmas too!

  • http://www.averysweetblog.com/ Kim of A Very Sweet Blog

    I did not know one could design their own. So cool! Love yours!