So white

I’m not the biggest ever fan of white shoes, mostly because they remind me of school where I had to wear white canvas ones every day for about 11 years but I loved the look of these when I first saw them. Really dig the understated simplicity and clean lines: very definitely unschool-like. So when they went on sale for under $30 I really couldn’t resist. So comfy too, I’ve been wearing them quite a bit since they arrived, kind of good for the pseudo Summer we’ve been having. Would be perfect with a tee and skirt combo - if I ever find the black leather skirt of my dreams..

ASOS shoes and shirt, Zara pants. Photos by W.

  • danny

    those shoes are fabulous, loved them!

  • Stephanie / FAIIINT

    Love those! I always find myself drawn to white shoes for some reason, but I always think they look best very pristine & sadly I’m far too messy & clumsy to actually trust myself with a pair, as they’ll be a mess in a few hours! Hah! Love the leopard print with all the white too, looks so summery & fun! :)

    • Stephanie

      Thanks love - yes I barely trust myself with them too but to my amazement they’ve survived the week!

  • Kim

    They are very cute Stephanie! You’re going to get a lot of wear out of them in the coming months. I love when you can get great items on sale. That makes them extra special. Fabulous pants :)

    • Stephanie

      Thanks Kim. Yup, I love it when things I like go on sale too – plenty more in the coming month!

  • Maria Bastida

    I can’t express with words how much I LOVE this outfit!!!!! :D

    • Stephanie

      Thanks you Maria :) xx

  • Mica

    Nice simple shoes :) Really like your bag and pants in this outfit! :)

    • Stephanie

      Simple things are often the best I reckon! Thanks Mica ;) x

  • katherine

    I really like this white hoes too - I hav the same feeling about white shoes funny enough and have trouble buying them! I love them with the leopard pants though - very lovely

    <3 katherineof corgis and cocktails

    • Stephanie

      Thanks Katherine - it’s definitely not easy to find the “right” pair of white flats! x

  • Sue

    I love white shoes … more than black shoes actually. Yours are lovely and I even went to have a look at them on the ASOS site but stopped myself as I know this would be one white pair I would crucify (though I can’t mucky up my white Converse how much I try0.

  • Kaitlin

    LOVE the pants!

  • Tatj

    Love this outfit so much, this is perfect, I wonder why people try to match colors like red, purlple or green to this pattern, white is so perfect with leo. And the shoes bring us to something more classy and classic. Perfect to me.

    • Stephanie

      Thank you Tatj - I agree that white is perfect with leopard! And actually pretty much everything :)

  • Ola

    You look amazing !
    Love your trousers, have very similar :)
    Great combo with white shoes !

  • findmeamuse

    LOVE the shoes! Especially with the uber hot contrast of those pants. You rock sweetie!

    xx Mandi

  • styleflakes

    I’m not a big fun of white shoes either, though these particular ones are beauties!
    Love their cut!
    Your outfit is great once and again!
    kisses love!

  • Fashion Reactor

    This is a great outfit! I love the combiantion of animla print with white. THe shoes are amazing, I would definitely wear them. Lately I am really into everything white and minimal.

    Eirini from