[ Sunday, September 30, 2024 ]
Deandra got back from the Underdog around 3, and we were just chatting when Susan and everyone else came back too. Rez is really quiet, which is a good thing. We all trooped to Asha's room (I joined them after I took a walk around rez) and there were 6 of us, namely Asha, Susan, Sunday, Steve, Sarah and myself. Deandra had already gone to bed. It was hilarious; we were trying to get Sunday to tell us a bit of his exploits, Steve kept saying he was shy and was covering his head with a sweater, I was trying hard not to choke when I heard some really outrageous comments (such as Steve saying he was innocent..!!), and Asha and I were trying to put this top on her and get the strings at the back tied right.I never laughed so hard, omg. Those people are just so funny. Oh, and Steve showed us his ID; can't believe that guy's really 21. He looks 18 or 19, lol. Anyway, I was exhausted, so I left around 4. It's now 4.30, so I think I'll go get some sleep, as everyone says I look like the walking dead...I love rez life! :)
Song of the moment: Red Hot Chilli Peppers' Soul to Squeeze Current emotion: Happily tired and sleepy
Tiff. L [4:33 AM]
Woah, was up till almost 6 this morning. Man, this whole donning business is crazier than I thought. Was in bed by 4.30, but I heard some sorta thumping/running outside in the hallway later, so I decided to make one last round in South before going to bed. Reached the last stircase to find several beer bottles and two guys I'd never seen before sitting there, having a beer each. Was so tired I didn't even realize half the things I said, but I think it was something along the lines of "hi how are you please get rid of those bottles did you have fun yeah whatever I'm going to bed have a g'day don't forget to get rid of the bottles" or something like that. Reached my room and thought for a bit before I realized what a stupis ass I was. I called Security to have them check on those guys before I went to bed. Tossed and turned for an hour before I fell asleep. Jess woke me up at 11 to say thank you for last night. Had brunch with her, Courtney and Corinne. Was joined by Susan, Asha, Therese and Harvey; it was nice, but I was so bloody tired. Almost 2 hours later, we head back to rez and I crash onto Kayla'a floor. Susan introduced a friend of hers from U of Toronto (I think her name was Valerie) and we headed out to the bridge to see the rowers. We saw zilch, and I decided to go get a bit more sleep. Borrowed Clerks and Chasing Amy from Chris; watched Clerks before falling asleep. It's a pretty good movie, but the black and white just..bugs me. Susan woke me up later to see if I wanted a beer and Kayla invited me to join her, Chris and whoever else to go for dinner at the Red Lobster. Debated about it, and finally decided that hell yeah, I was gonna get some good food tonight :P Faye, Sarah, Kayla, Chris and myself had loads of fun, although Sarah had problems with an undercooked chicken. We left rez around 5.30 and got back 8-ish. Kristina stopped by to inform me that a girl in Catherine's section had too much to drink, and that Catherine wasn't in. I checked in on the girl, and she's fine, so we left it at that. Need I say that I was aggravated once more?? Anyway, Kristina came back later and hung out in my room before she disappeared to pick up a friend of hers. I went for a walk before heading to Miranda's, where we proceed to watch the latest episode of Friends (where Rachel finds out she's pregnant); man, Joey is hilarious, lol. Got back to my room to find the door wide open and Kristina surfing for porn (??). Haha, she was actually sending those free junk mail crap to her ex who was being a real pain in the butt. It was rather disconcerting though. Just finished reading the Star and CNN.com. I have another hour to go before I can hit the sack. Think I'll go stalk the halls now...
Quote(s) of the Day: Was Shakespeare born in Canada? - Kayla's 'friend' GET OUT OF THE TREE!! - Asha (screaming at a bunch of kids outside her window) ...and so you were like an angel who made her wish come true and then disappeared? - Steve (in a totally disbelieving and sarcastic tone about Sunday "fulfilling some girl's wish..", ahaha)
Song of the moment: SWV's Right Here Current emotion: Sleepy
Tiff. L [2:20 AM]
[ Saturday, September 29, 2024 ]
Am rather mad at Catherine at the moment. Like, the only reason I'm covering for her this weekend is because she's rowing (we're to stay up till 3 patrolling the halls to make sure everything's ok). At 11.30, I walked past her hall and Roger was rather loud, so I asked him to turn it down, since I figured Catherine needed her sleep. Guess what happens? One of the girls turn to me and tells me that Catherine's down at the pub, and I end up looking like the fool who asked someone to keep quiet before quiet hours start. Nice. Am fu**ing pissed off, but whatever. I see her at 12, with her usual "haggard" look, and for once, I didn't feel the slightest ounce of sympathy. What the hell, I'm human too. I can only be nice this much, this far, and as Kayla would say, she's gone so fu**in' far over the line that she's about to cross it all over again. Ugh. I'm sorry, I had to air out, blah. It was actually a pretty good evening (before all that). I was talking to Nerisa for over an hour before I headed to Landsdowne with Kayla and Chris to Chapters (it's a huge bookstore) and the LCBO (liquor store). I bought a mickey of peach schapps and Chris bought some Smirnoff Ice and an F1 magazine. We had a bit to drink (I seem to be drinking a lot this term) and watched Mallrats. Excellent movie, that. Anyway, did my rounds and stopped by to talk to lots of people on the way. Am tired, but it's only 12, bleah. Ah well. Will go watch Cayote Ugly or something.
Song of the moment: Chemical Brothers' Block Rockin' Beats Current emotion: Extremely ticked off
I forgot to post my blog! :P
It's 3am already, eek. Mmf, so much for my movie. Mark came up and was slightly tipsy, so I made sure he was ok, only to see Jess tipsy too, but Peter was with her, so I wasn't worried. Anyway, made my rounds, and was chatting with Mark. Madihah, Kate and Stephanie stopped by, so we talked till 1. I headed down to Crawpadies' with Mark to make sure everything was ok before hanging out in the quad just talking to him and Rebecca. Peter (the Sr. Don) joined us but it wasn't long before Becca and Mark took my keys and headed to my room to chat, since I have no neighbours for the weekend. Did my final round at 2.50, everything's cool, so I'm back in my room, ready for bed. Kristina swears she's gonna wake me up at 8 to see Catherine race. We'll see...
Song of the moment: DMX 's Ruff Ryders Anthem Remix Current emotion: Semi ticked off and tired
Tiff. L [3:08 AM]
[ Friday, September 28, 2024 ]
Spent some time this morning in the Trent International Program office checking out other universities for my possible year abroad next year (I can see some of my friends smirking at this, since technically, I already am abroad, lol). Anyway, met Ttracy and Harvey and spoke to them for a bit, since its been ages since I last saw them. Received mail from home. Actually, it was a book that I had left behind, so my parents mailed it to me. It was disappointing to find ntohing else besides the book. One would think that my parents qould quit being so practical and send at least a note with it, but oh well. Tracy thinks my parents need lessons in mailing stuff to their kid overseas, and I happen to agree :P Had a pizza for lunch before heading for the Trent International Students' Association (aka TISA) meeting. They were holding elections, so I found the session a tad boring. Left halfway through with YiMin because she was hungry, and we talked about the future of ADAT, or what's left of it. It really doesn't seem to have much of a future left, what with the mushrooming of several new organizations within the university. Which is kinda sad, but hey. We're thinking of establishing a club for South East Asians now, rofl. Anyway, the TISA meeting had already ended by the time we got back, so I chatted with TK for a bit before heading back to my room. Am waiting for Chris to show up, as I have to let him into Kayla's room while she's in class. Crawpadies' is on tonight; don't know if I'll go or not though. I have to keep and eye on rez till 3am tonight, yay me.
Song of the moment: All 4 One's Smile Like Mona Lisa Current emotion: Bored
Tiff. L [6:00 PM]
Was on my way to Champlain College to get a sub for lunch when I bumped into Fai who reminded me that there was an Interact (not the Rotory club one..!) meeting with the college principal. Attended the meeting, shared some ideas and volunteered to be one of the speakers for our first Interact session aptly called Culture Shock in Canada. Grabbed a sub later and did my University Health Insurance Policy registration with Julie in the TIP office. Met the new Turkish girl who has moved into my section; her name is Gurkhen (don't know if I spelled that right) and she's 21, plus she's hoping to be an English lit major *grin* She's really nice. We had dinner together with Heather and Becca. There was a smoking problem which Bob, Pauline and I took care of later in the evening. I watched Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me with Kayla. Had a long chat with Heather about anything and everything before I came back to my room.
I really think I should get some reading done tonight...
Quote of the Day: I am a jelly doughnut - English translation of John F. Kennedy speaking at the Berlin Wall
Song of the moment: Weezer's Say It Ain't So Current emotion: Hungry
Tiff. L [1:00 AM]
[ Thursday, September 27, 2024 ]
Fell asleep reading H.G. Wells' Time Machine. Several phone calls this morning from Aria, Di and Antony. Finally had to get up because Antony was waiting downstairs for me to open the door for him *yawn* Finished my yogurt covered peanuts already; I should have asked Heather for more, bah. I need to figure out how I am suppose to go downtown and get my fridge, damn.
Song of the moment: LeAnn Rimes' I Need You Current emotion: Sleepy and lethargic
Tiff. L [1:34 PM]
[ Wednesday, September 26, 2024 ]
Ahh, it's been a long day. Was sick, so I left halfway through my science fiction lecture. Heather bought me some yogurt covered peanuts, I did laundry and had dinner with Deandra, Nina and Di at the cafeteria. We have a vacuum (finally!) so I cleaned my room. Talked to Priscilla and Emily today--they're both really nice girls who live down the hall from me. Watched Justice, My Foot! and had a mug of coffee. Talked to Deandra for a bit; am seriously considering visiting her in the Bahamas before I head back to Malaysia for my summer hols, lol. Now if only I had the money...Asha's singing and dancing in my room now. I'm worried :P
Quote of the Day: Di's on crack, yay! Kayla's on crack too, but Asha's on weed!! - Tiff. L
Song of the moment: East 17's House of Love Current emotion: Reeling between pain and not-so-pain (someone give me a better word here...)
Tiff. L [11:16 PM]
I think I'm going to die... argh! :(
Song of the moment: Limp Bizkit's My Way Current emotion: Miserable as hell
Tiff. L [1:53 PM]
[ Tuesday, September 25, 2024 ]
Haven't been able to sleep for the past few days, and last night (or this morning, to be precise), was of no exception. Finally dropped off around 5-ish, and almost slept right through English, lol. Woke up in time though, but I didn't bother to stay for the 3rd optional hour, since they were gonna teach us how to use the Oxford Dictionary online (well duh...). Was rather frustrated with the prof, because we were studying a piece of poetry, and my group believes that poetry is open to individual interpretation, right? We decided that the poem spoke a lot about sex, control, pimping and prostitution, but the prof. insisted that there was a dead person involved in the poem, and was actually a wake. Well exCUSE me! I thought that so long as we could back up our interpretations, we were all set! Hmphff. Anyway, because of that, I cracked a joke about necrophilia to please the prof (since she wanted a dead person there...). Had a nap from 12.30 till 3. Kira came in to use the pc for a bit, and Antony and Rebecca showed up and we started to talk about cell phones and stuff. Had a sub for dinner before I headed to Kayla's to watch Frasier and The Drew Carey Show. It was funny, lol. Spoke to Victoria and Kaylyn for a bit. Di came up and wanted noodles, so I cooked some for her. I also made some neslo panas (hot Nescafe and Milo mixed together) for myself and Deandra. Am very happy for Kayla, as she found out that she got the job at the college office, yay! Sarah joined us later, and we squabbled with Roger until we threatened to shave his head and his legs when he was asleep, lol. He left in a hurry after that :P
Quote(s) of the Day: Look! I'm a Kayla sandwich with Asian bread! - Kayla Can anyone say/spell NECROPHILIA?? - Tiff. L Roger, I have a key to your room, and if you keep bugging me, I'm gonna shave your legs and your head! - Tiff. L Roger, sleep with pants on tonight..! - Sarah
Song of the moment: Stone Temple Pilot's Interstate Love Song Book of the moment: H.G. Wells' The Time Machine/ War of the Worlds Current emotion: A happy kinda blur
Tiff. L [8:52 PM]
Woah, Monday night already. I'm exhausted, but still have some prep. reading and stuff to do. Yesterday was a productive day; I finished reading 2 medieval plays (Cain & Abel and Noah's Ark), Hedda Gabler (again! for today's tutorial), 2/3rds through Epic of Gilgamesh and 1/3rd through H.G. Well's Time Machine. There was a dons' meeting in Bata Library for all the dons in the university, which was really bad 'cause it collided with my section's Baking/Dessert Night. Had to miss out on peanut brittle and choc chip cookies for some stupid meeting which was totally pointless to begin with *growls* Was halfway through writing my essay for English 205 before I got stuck, so I decided to finish it later. Shahnon called; he's visiting this Friday, yay! Another busy Monday, and a wet one to boot.Susan stopped by this morning with some stuff for me; owe her big time for carrying my binders and stuff up to college for me. Had breakfast with Kristina and Brianna as usual before heading for classes in Traill. I hate rain, especially when I'm down at Traill College, bah. Classes were great today though, really enjoy my courses this year, which is a big plus, since my workload is insane. Got back to rez around six-ish, had a change of clothes, grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the LEC Pit for the Asian Dialogue At Trent meeting. I don't think I'll be running for a committee position, simply because I'm tied down with too much as it is. Left at 7.30 for my dons' meeting in the Senior Common Room. We discussed stuff concerning the Head of the Trent weekend (it's a huge rowing regatta held at my university) till 9-ish. Worked for 2 hours on my English 205 essay. Was interrupted by Priscilla, Mark and a couple of others before I kicked them out so that I coulsd finish my work, lol. Almost done, 'cept that I have to get more prep. out of the way before I go to bed.
Quote of the Day: If quitters never win, and winners never cheat, then who is the fool who said "Quit while you're ahead"? - Unknown
Tiff. L [12:20 AM]
[ Sunday, September 23, 2024 ]
Just came back from lunch with Anne, Miranda, Becca and Asha. It was nice to go out with them again, and Anne just cracks me up *grin*
Quote of the Day: [Disrespectful redition of Candle in the Wind in reference to Mother Theresa] And it seems to me, you've lived your life, like a hamster in a tea-towel... - Anne
Tiff. L [1:00 PM]
Woke up sometime in the afternoon, eek. Still reading The Epic of Gilgamesh; it's so bloody long. Spent the afternoon hanging out with Asha. Watched Roger and Asha play hockey in the hallway before they started to fight, lol. We headed to Otanabee College to grab some food later in the evening and ate in the LEC dining hall. Watched Head Over Heels with Sunday, Deandra and Asha. Walked around the whole South Wing today, as Catherine's away for a rowing regatta. Was supposed to finish my homework, but obviously I didn't, blah. Better get it done tomorrow. Have started a new blogger which is basically an edited version of this one for my parents, lol. I'm terrible at writing mails, so I figured a blogboard made much more sense. Will see how it goes.
Tiff. L [1:12 AM]
[ Saturday, September 22, 2024 ]
Well, I went for TACSU Night after all! Yes, I had loads of fun dancing with everyone at Copperfield's; they really found a good venue to accomodate everyone, which I think is very cool. We danced from 10.30 till 2.30, which is why I'm hurting all over..!! Just got back, and I called my mom coz it's her birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM *hugs and kisses* At times like these I wish I was home to celebrate with her, but oh well. We deal, y'know?
Quote of the Day: I don't call it dancing anymore [out there on the dance floor]. I call it being molested! - Tiff. L
Tiff. L [3:39 AM]
[ Friday, September 21, 2024 ]
My interview with Fiona Stoertz went pretty well, and I'm fairly confident that I'll be a part of the programme. Whether I can deal with it or not is an entirely different matter altogether :) Checked deviations in my spare time and cooked some noodles for dinner before heading down to the library for the Asian Dialogue at Trent meeting with Yi Min, William and some other girl whose name I can't recall. Yi Min wants to know if I'll be interested in holding a committee position, but I have so much on my plate right now, I really don't know if I can deal with it. Had a 20 minute nap after that before taking a shower. Am supposed to go out for TACSU Night, but I really feel tired and am rather undecided about it for the moment. Asha, Sarah and I tried for the 9pm bus, but we missed it. It's pouring out, which makes me want to go out less. I'm such a boring person...
Tiff. L [9:13 PM]
Went to bed around 5-ish, and Kayla woke me up at 10.30 to go see Prof. Kruger. We went down at 11, and I met up with Erica and we talked for a bit before I headed for my meeting in the dining hall with the other RAs, the Senior Don (Peter Northrop) and Prof. Kruger. Feeling rather out of place and discouraged at the moment; I don't even know why the picked me to be an RA in the first place. Ah well. Let's hope it's just a phase which will pass. Roger's alright now, and he's gonna get me an ink cartridge from downtown hopefully, as I really need one for my printer. Have another meeting with Prof. Stoertz regarding peer mentoring in an hour's time, but right now I don't know if I'm up for that. TACSU Night's tonight, but my DJ-ing days have been postponed because of some stuff which I have no wish to talk about. Am rather disappointed, but I'll get my chance soon enough. Feel rather isolated; I just want to curl under the covers and cry, but like something I wrote before, "...the tears won't fall...".
Tiff. L [2:52 PM]
Conversation with Roger!
Do you still see 4 of everything? No, now I see 2!
Still see 2? I see 10 fingers! (Ed. note:I was holding up one hand)
*roflmao* Actually, Roger's pretty good for a drunk person; he still makes good conversation *grin* He came by and we talked a bit before he almost fell asleep; I brought him back, had him remove his contact lenses, brush his teeth, drink some water. He's playing NFL 2002 now. Me? I'm going to bed :P
Tiff. L [3:03 AM]
It's been a pretty cool day. Woke up around 12, and was online talking to Shean Min and Norman till almost 2. Antony and Kira stopped by, and I bought Antony lunch at the Champlain Snack Bar ('cause he's broke) before heading to the dining hall with him and Kate. We talk for a bit before I go back to my room to do some reading. Moved my furniture, and several people came by to ask for the vacuum, garbage bags or just to talk. Was over at Catherine's to discuss some stuff for a bit. Had dinner with the ISW staff in the Senior Common Room later on. Felt rather out of place (what else is new?) but I managed to talk to Bob and Pauline about some rez stuff. Spent the rest of the time playing with Hannah and talking to Kristina and Shawn. There was really good food served to us actually, among them salmon, stewed vegetables and really really good cake at the end, yum! Was out in the quad talking to Yuliya from the Ukraine when I heard a yell and someone tackled me from behind. It was actually Mat trying to give me a hug, but we ended up wrestling and I got my ass kicked, hmphff. Actually, Mat was really trying to make sure I didn't fall (I was bent over backwards), but I wanted to stand up and he wouldn't let me, so I fell, twice :P Yeah, from now on, if anyone messes with me, Mat's gonna kick their butt! (I don't wanna fight with him anymore...) lol. Had a nice chat with Deandra before I walked around rez with her trying to sell tickets for TACSU Night tomorrow. I don't know if I'm gonna go, coz things have been pretty rough with a few people recently. Anyway, was in Asha's room eating muruku with Kayla and Deandra *grin* I headed over to North wing later to collect my cake from Kristina, and Tanay was there, and he said that people in South didn't know how to make friends, so we started 'fighting' and I basically shoved him and he fell over Kristina's couch, onto the floor, hahaha. My second fight of the day, yay Tiff! (And this time I won, hah!). Talked to Kira till 1.30 before she went to bed. Roger just called; he's drunk, haha! I went over to visit him, and he's smashed, roflmao. Am going to bed now *grin*
Quote of the Day: ...yeah, I see 4 of you... - Roger
Tiff. L [2:36 AM]
[ Thursday, September 20, 2024 ]
My room is clean, yay! Am watching Dogma right now. Just received this through ICQ:
WTC stuff
The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11 After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year. 119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11 Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11 The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11
But ....There's More.......
State of New York - The 11 State added to the Union New York City - 11 Letters Afghanistan - 11 Letters The Pentagon - 11 Letters Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (convicted or orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993) Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11 Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11
This just makes me wanna flip out....
Tiff. L [2:17 AM]
[ Wednesday, September 19, 2024 ]
Been rearranging the pictures and posters in my room. Am seriously considering moving my bed again, but I have no idea how I want it done at the moment. Catherine called to let me know that some of the issues in my section have been dealt with, and I owe her big time for that. Then again, the problem is with her friend.. so... but hey. It's done. Big thanks to Catherine :) Asha and Kayla came by, and Kayla helped me put my Malaysian flag up. It looks wicked! Di gave me cheesy bread, yum. Am very happy about that. Anyway, I think I'll go move my furniture now.
Quote of the Day: To some it's a six-pack; to me it's a support group - Unknown
Tiff. L [9:51 PM]
It's been a good day. Voted for people I don't even know in the cabinet elections, before heading for my science fiction tutorial. It was a 2 hour class, but the best part was that it didn't even feel that long. Met some people in my tutorial, among them Rory whose from Cornwall, Steve from Ohio, Steph from Alberta and Michael from Peterborough. Had dinner with Di and Kira in the cafe. There was a meeting for student dons at 6.30, and we figured out some of the year's activities, among them movie nights, softball and ice skating. Spent 15 minutes chatting with Kristina in her room before coming back. Am arguing with Roger over ICQ now, lol. I think I'll go get myself some cheesy bread before doing my rounds in rez.
Tiff. L [7:43 PM]
[ Tuesday, September 18, 2024 ]
I forgot to spread the good news; Ricky (that friend of mine in NYC?) is ok! *grin*
Spent some time downstairs talking to Asha, Kayla and the rest of the girls. I miss them. Just got back from a walk with Sarah, Anne, Allison and Heather to Tim Horton's (a local coffee shop about 15 minutes away). I bought Di a cookie, cos she left her wallet in the Athletic Complex and is kinda feeling down in the dumps because of it.
A kickass funny site: How to Fight So The Other Guy Goes to Jail
Laughable quotes: "People say I have the world's toughest nuts." "After I kick your ass, I'm going to jump and jump and jump and jump and jump on your face." "You'll never make me eat that."
Tiff. L [11:46 PM]
Book Review: Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler Ever been amazed by the sheer cruelty and manipulativeness of certain people in life? How they can hurt others for self-entertainment, caring naught for the people whose lives they choose to play with? Well, Hedda Gabler is one such individual. Pure evil, but there are so many ways to see the reasons behind her character, facets which remain unexplored, from the first life she took till the very end when she pulled the trigger and killed herself. I thought it was interesting, definately something I'd recommend, as it's short but mind-boggling read.
Quote of the Day: If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten - Unknown
Tiff. L [8:08 PM]
Argh, just lost my post, grr..!!
Went to bed at 4am this morning; was up working on my readings and prep. assignment for English 205. Woke up late and missed breakfast, but Kristina grabbed a muffin from the cafe for me. Yay Kristina!! :) I actually enjoyed class today, as we were doing some poetry readings and analyzing them. It's always interesting to see 15 people come up with sometimes similar, but usually different interpretations of the same 10 lines. I know it sounds boring, but to me it's really cool (I guess that's why I'm an English major..!!). Finished reading Hedda Gabler and Childhood's End this afternoon, and have already started on The Epic of Gilgamesh for my class in mythology. I have a bad habit of reading several books at a go. As it is, Milton's Paradise Lost is still half finished :P. Anyway, I have an insane amount of books to read this year: 34 novels, excluding 6 texts and numerous short stories and poems I am to cover in the way. However, the variety of stuff I get to read is unbelievable, and I'm really excited about most of the books, so that's a big plus on my side. Had an hour's nap before heading for my classics tutorial. I swear, classics is one class I will never miss, lol. Prof. Storey is an amazing individual who has so much passion for what he's teaching, which makes it fun to attend his classes. Had dinner in the cafeteria with Catherine, Kira and Antony. Heather made baked apples covered in brown sugar and cinnamon for dessert, and it was simply wicked! We stole vanilla ice cream from the cafe, and man, I am not lying when I say it's one of the the best stuff I have ever tasted! The hilarious part was when one of the apples exploded in the microwave, lol.
Darn, almost forgot, I have to read Shelley's Frankenstein for class tomorrow.
Tiff. L [7:38 PM]
Ahh, Roger loaned me a couple more movies, among them Rush Hour, 10 Things I Hate About You and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas :) Still have yet to touch my homework *sheepish look* Anyway, called my parents and spoke to them for 15 minutes. Was reading Yi Kai's blog, and he said my life was interesting, lol. Well, his would be interesting too if he became an RA :P You hardly have time to breathe! I didn't even see Kayla today, argh :( People have been asking me how its been, and all I can say for the moment (as it's still very new) is that if it goes on the same way all year, I love it (except for the part where I don't get to see my old buddies) :) Anyway, I really think I should get my homework done now...
Tiff. L [1:43 AM]
[ Monday, September 17, 2024 ]
It's been a long day. Mom and dad called (I forgot to call them again this week) around 8-ish; had a quick shower before heading down for breakfast with Kristina and Brianna. Spent the day at Traill College again from 10 till 6. For lunch, Catherine and I met up with Antony, Laura and Nicole at Mc Donald's, yay! Checked out Antony's place before heading back to Traill for another 3 hours of classes. Walked around downtown for a bit, bought some stuff. Took the bus back to campus and had dinner in the dining hall before heading back to my room. Was tired out, but Kira, Antony and Terri were around, so I spent some time talking to them. Headed out to the field for half an hour with Antony and Terri as they wanted to play football; I was reading my book. Heather came up for a bit, and we chatted. Tanay showed up at around 10 to use my CD burner, and was here till 11. Headed over to North Wing to see Kristina, only to find out I already had homework I had no clue about, argh! Off to get it done now.
Quote of the Day: Remember, I get drunk with you so that you do not feel like an alcoholic - Brianna
Song of the moment: Run DMC's It's Tricky Book of the moment - Ibsen's Hedda Gabler Favourite line of the moment - I want blood!
Tiff. L [11:50 PM]
[ Sunday, September 16, 2024 ]
Am back from John and Rox's; man, I so needed that. It was great--we left around 4, and reached this haven half an hour away from school. It's surrounded by 3 acres of land, the house is huge, there are two barns, a smoke house...I could just go on and on. It was unbelievable. We toured the land (there's a pond and several hilly areas and hidden nooks shaded by trees) and lazed out in the backyard while Rox cooked us a fantastic dinner (we finished everything!). The drinking started at dinner time (they have a liquor fridge!) and went on till past 3am. Actually, come to think of it, the only people who really drank was Sarah, John and myself. I had a glass of wine, 3 glasses of fuzzy navel (peach schnapps and orange juice) and 4 screwdrivers. We talked about anything and everything, laughing a lot along the way :) Anne, Sarah and myself were up around 5 to dig for food in the kitchen, and it was hilarious coz even though I was slightly tipsy, I could still wield a knife and cut us slices of bread, lol. Woke up around 11, and we had brunch before sitting out in the patio again. I fell asleep in the hammock; the girls were throwing peanuts at me, and Sarah resorted to poking me with a stick to get me out of bed *grin* Left at 3,and am back in rez, talking to Kayla.
Quote of the Day: "Are you singing Backstreet Boys??" "No, no, we're the Backyard Girls!" - Anne
Tiff. L [4:28 PM]
[ Saturday, September 15, 2024 ]
Slept at 3 and was up at 12 :P Was on the phone with Marianne for a good 40 minutes before I headed out for lunch. Am excited about tonight; I definately need and want time away from rez. Downloaded several new songs last night, among them Gabrielle's Out of Reach, Eve 6's Here's to The Night and Run DMC's It's Tricky. Still no news from Ricky; crossing my fingers.
Stanza of the Day: A starless night, the quiet breeze A slight rustling among the leaves The feel of dew on one's bare feet Friends in the dark do I meet Spoken words mingled with that of the silent A heartfelt understanding of the moment...
Quote of the Day: Cogito ergo sum [I think, therefore I am]- Descartes
Tiff. L [1:55 PM]
Oakville Boy (aka Mark) came back this evening and brought with him a gorgeous strawberry and cream cake for Kira's birthday, yum. A couple of us finished half of it before Asha, Sarah and I watched Mulan. I'm so excited about my 24/7 internet connection! Spoke to sooks for a bit on ICQ (it's been ages) but we didn't have much time to catch up. Hope I'll be able to do that soon. I'll be heading to John and Rox's tomorrow for a sleepover. I can't wait, coz John has promised me vodka and orange, lol.Yay for John and Rox! :)
Tiff. L [12:54 AM]
[ Friday, September 14, 2024 ]
I was really pissed off at the HSE provider yesterday. Received my modem and stuff, but when I plugged it in, there was something wrong with the phone line. Called Sympatico three times to get it sorted out, only to be told it would take a minimum of 24 hours for the problem to be rectified, ggrr..!~! Stomped about rez before heading to Mark's to complain; I stole his smilie face keychain thing and felt much better, lol. Had a 2 hour meeting with Bob and Pauline before heading down to the quad for the college BBQ we organized. Had a lot of fun just talking with everyone. I threatened to beat Eren and Antony if they should bug me again (Eren almost made me spill my drinks; I was not pleased). Mark was leaving for home, and I wanted to return the keychain, but he said I could keep it, hah! Watched Head Over Heels with Kira. Spent the rest of the evening talking to Mat, Terri and her friend Rene before going to bed.
Was up at 10, and Kristina helped me colour my fringe blue again (it was losing its colour). Had lunch before heading downtown to do some grocery shopping with Kira. Headed to Althea's place where I got to work; baked brownies (served with vanilla ice cream) before cooking a huge pot of curry chicken stew. I also cooked rice and made omelettes for everyone. Everyone loved the food, lol. Deandra, Althea, Gathoni, Yi Min, Kira, Nontobeko, Harold, Susan and myself finished most of it. Bernard was down with the flu, so I cooked him some porridge. We missed the 7.40 bus, but caught the next one. Am back and totally tired out, but ecstatic to know that my internet connection works now.
Tiff. L [9:19 PM]
[ Thursday, September 13, 2024 ]
Helped out at the college office again today; sorted out the pictures and stuff for the college secretary. Had lunch in the quad, watched What Women Want with Kira. Had a long chat with Heather, catching up on stuff.
Was in my science fiction class, and we were (obviously) talking about yesterday's happenings. It really does feel surreal. The framework of our reality has been altered, and there is a distinct blurring of the lines between reality and fiction. I found it hard to disconnect myself from Childhood's End to what was happening around us. As it is, the reality around us seems to possess more and more science fictional characters and conditions. It's going to takea lot of time for people to recover, but I hope to God recover we do, because right now, nothing seems certain.
Tiff. L [1:38 AM]
[ Wednesday, September 12, 2024 ]
English 205 has got to be one of the worst classes ever. Was at the college office when Tanay told me about NYC. We both rushed to the phones and tried to call friends and family in the States, but to no avail. I called home and spoke to my parents, and after trying the whole day, finally reached my cousins at 12am. Yi Kai called to let me know he was ok, and Sharon called too. Residence has been semi-chaotic; every single tv was tuned to the same station. It's horrifying to think that something like that was happening so close, yet so far. I never thought about it, but tonight it hit me how isolating campus life really is, how disconnected we are from everything else. Sat in the quad just staring at the sky; we really are just insignificant beings whose existance can so easily be snuffed out... Ah well.
Was at Althea's new place today--it's her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALTHEA *hug*
Tiff. L [12:23 AM]
[ Tuesday, September 11, 2024 ]
Almost 2am and I'm still awake. But hey, why should that surprise anyone hmm?
Kristina came by around 1-ish in a state, but things are settled now. She just called 5 minutes ago to say that she wasn't going for class tomorrow, which is fine with me; I'll just grab the notes for her. Talking to her got me thinking about a lot of things, but hey, since when did I not ponder over little details every once in a while :) I have to get back onto devart soon; I've been away for farrr too long. As for now, it's too bloody hot to sleep, but I'm going to try anyway, as I have to be up by 8 tomorrow.
Tiff. L [1:51 AM]
[ Monday, September 10, 2024 ]
Man, I hate classes at Traill. It's such a pain to get up in the morning to catch a bus downtown for classes *growls* First class was at 10.30am with Professor Storey; I headed down with Kristina and Brianna, so that was cool. Prof. Storey's hilarious as usual; I just love his classes. Had a lecture on theatre after that, which was ok. Headed back to the college office to help with registration till 3pm. Took the bus down to Traill again, this time for Drama before the 20th century. It's such a cool course!!I Got back to rez around 5-ish, and spent some time out in the quad with Matt, Steve, Becca and Eren. Grabbed a sub for dinner before visiting Therese with the girls. Just received an e-mail from John to spend the weekend at his place; I am so excited, coz we're going camping, yay! Anyway, was watching Veggie Tales in Kayla's room, and I fell asleep on her bed. It's my turn to do lockup duty this week, so I sat out in the quad for a good hour before locking the building at 10.30. Just had a double-packed mug of coffee, so I feel less exhausted than I am. Asha bought me this really gorgeous punjabi suit from India, which is hand-stiched. It's beautiful; black with flowers embroidered. Thanks so much Asha :) Ah, almost forgot, it's Victoria's birthday tomorrow, so here's an early shoutout: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA! Ah well, time for bed; I've got English at 9.30 tomorrow, ugh.
Tiff. L [11:53 PM]
Yesterday's post: Sunday, 12.49am It�s been another long and busy day. Mom and dad called this morning; I think I�ll call them after this. Just realized how much I was neglecting my family ever since I got back to school. Was up at 9 and helped out with registration from 9.45am till 4pm for the returning students. I thought it would never end, but of course it did. I got to see all my old friends again, and it was fantastic. Was running up and down the halls today, yay! :) Althea�s back, so she brought my box with her, woohoo! Found my rice cooker, ahaha. Felt too lazy to go down to Otanabee College for dinner , so I cooked some instant noodles for Kayla, Roger and myself. I ate in the quad with some friends, it was neat. Had another section meeting with a huge batch of cornflake cookies I baked the night before, which was a hit with everyone. Ended up cooking noodles for Di after the meeting, coz she was starving. Becca, Heather and I headed out to the quad around 10-ish to get some fresh air as it�s stifling in residence. Met up with Peter Northrop and had a chat with him. Dougie and Brianna joined us later and we were just talking and laughing our heads off at some of the things which happened last year (among them, Dougie�s �shows� and �dimmer lights�). It was hilarious. Spoke for a couple of minutes with Matt, Olley and Patricia who live further down the hall. Matt was teaching Patricia how to break someone�s arm in case of a stickup (I thought it was pretty cool), lol. The things you learn in rez..!! I traded my notice board for a Mighty Ducks sticker with Roger. Spoke to Kristina and Sunday for a bit. I�m ready to crash, as classes start tomorrow. almost forgot to say, Katherine Curle has some work for me to do in the office, and it�s paid work (I think), so that�s cool. Time to hit the sack now though.
Tiff. L [11:45 PM]
[ Saturday, September 08, 2024 ]
Mmf, so much for getting a good night's sleep. Was chatting with Allison, Sarah, Carla and Kate downstairs, and I was complaining about having to go down for pub night. We joked about faking some sort of emergency so that I didn't have to stay before I left to get changed. Headed down with Kira, Mark and Kristina. I was there for 2 minutes before I remembered that I had forgotten to get a hold of Catherine. I headed back to rez, only to be told that one of the girls in my section had too much to drink. To cut the long story short, First Response and the paramedics were called and I was up till 4 something, checking on her every hour or so before I passed out myself. The only good thing out of this is that I'm already halfway through my book. I hope to god the rest of the year isn't going to be like this..!! Checked on my charge this morning and had a long long talk with her. Got some stuff sorted I guess. Saw Kayla today, yay! She's back in Peterborough, but she only moves in tomorrow. Jenn, Di and Roger are already back in rez. I'm too tired to do anything else right now, so I'm probably gonna get a few more hours of sleep while I can.
Tiff. L [3:07 PM]
[ Friday, September 07, 2024 ]
Was just talking to Roger on ICQ; he's bringing Austin Powers II and Rush Hour, ahahha. Can't wait for my movie nights, w00t..!!
Tiff. L [4:47 PM]
Slept at 4.30am and was up by 8. Spent some time talking to Victoria and Kaylyn before going for breakfast with them. They're such nice people :) Met up with Yi Min and we just talked about the courses we were taking and stuff. Am feeling rather depressed at the moment, as I've just signed away about CD500 for books, sigh. It's sucky to be so bloody broke. The only good thing is that they all look amazing, and I can't wait to get started on my science fiction course! Headed downtown with Catherine just to get away from rez for a while. Bumped into Tomoko, Naomi and Phoebe, yay! Catherine and I had lunch, did some grocery shopping and bought candy for the people in our sections as a welcome gift. Christina stopped by to chat after I got back, which was nice. Susan and Deandra dropped by, which was fantastic, since the last time I saw them was in spring. Anyway, gonna start on Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End; it's for class, but I already read like 15 pages of it in the States, so I want to finish it. It's pub night tonight, and we're all expected to show up. Bah.
Tiff. L [4:44 PM]
Yay, finally finished reading Tolkien's The Hobbit. Am waiting for Shahnon to visit and give me my Lord of The Rings which I left back home. Spent the afternoon talking in the hallway with Kira, Meghan, Stephanie, Madihah and Anthony. Rather interesting conversation and group, that. Kira's from Montr�al, Canada, while Meghan, who looks Swedish, is from Oman and was born in Zimbabwe. Madihah, who looks like your typical Malay is from the Bahamas, Stephanie's a Chinese Canadian, and Anthony is British who spent his life in Hong Kong. Talk about a royal mix-up, lol. Had a fantastic time just chatting in the hallway with these people. Alice called and we talked for a good forty minutes. There was a semi-formal dinner for all the first years tonight. One of the amigos asked me to dance, and when I refused (politely!) he decided to announce his intentions to everyone in the dining hall in a very loud voice, which did not help. I ran out of there asap; still cringe when I think of it, but he apologized later so all is ok (I think). Anyway, it's been a quiet day overall. Paid my fees and finally have my master keys to all the rooms in the building, hah! Watched Mulan with Allison and Sarah till 2.30am *grin* Oh, and I fixed one of the toilets too. Yay Tiff :P I'm going to bed now; long day tomorrow.
Tiff. L [2:46 AM]
[ Thursday, September 06, 2024 ]
It's already Wednesday night, or Thursday morning, to be exact. Can hardly believe how quickly time has flown by. My 'puter actually came back on Sunday, but I've been so caught up and busy with all the training and socializing expected of us things went a little bit mad. A quick run-through:
Reached Toronto last Wednesday around 6. Merv and Vivien picked me up; we headed to Pacific Mall in Markham, Toronto for some chinese food before they drove me to school. Reached Trent around 10-ish, met Catherine, Tanay and Kristina. Was feeling really pumped about donning with these guys. Anyway, unpacked till 2 and was up at 7 the next day for training. Boring as hell, but I got to meet the new dons who are replacing John and Rox (I'm gonna miss them so much this year). Pauline and Bob are pretty nice, and they have a 14 year old daughter Maura. Peter Northrop took Tanay, Catherine, Christina and myself out for dinner Thursday evening at Hot Belly Mama's which is a pretty nice place downtown; had a screwdriver and some kinda fish thing. Dinner was an expensive affair :P The next day, we managed to twist Krista's arm (she's another don) and she bought us burgers and fries from Harvey's (kinda like Mc Donald's) for dinner before taking us to Canadian Tire, Shoppers' Drugmart and Price Chopper to buy numerous items. We're now planning to ambush the two remaining dons to buy us dinner sometime in the near future, lol. Baked brownies with the girls for Saturday's dinner before heading to the Cat's Ass in Otanabee College (it's a pub). Was there for an hour chatting with Catherine and Derek before leaving; was too tired to stay. Sharon and Kayla called later that night; it was great to talk to them. In fact, there was one day which Sharon called at 7am to talk :P Saturday and Sunday was spent getting to know the Frosh Week staff , last minute details in preparation for the 1st years and planning. Tanay and I went to Camp Kawartha to meet the Trent International Program students and I bumped into Yi Min and Gathoni as well as a few other friends there, which was great.The brownies were a huge success at the BBQ dinner, and Saturday night we joined the student-organized Mystery Bus tour which brought us to this really ulu place where they played country music all night (yay Country 105! :P). Didn't have that much fun, but Kristina taught me to line dance, and Kyle taught me to slow dance, which was pretty neat. Overall, all I can say is that it was an experience :) Sarah came by with my 'puter on Sunday; she's not coming back to rez this year because of finacial difficulties, which really sucks, as I was looking forward to having her in rez again. :( Monday was insane. I was in line handing out the Acedemic Advisor information, and talked till my throat was sore from 11 till 2. Took a break, met the new people and helped some of them move in. Played with Hannah, the resident kid(s) (there's her sister Emma too) for ages. Hannah is adorable! She's 6 and she's bloody cute! Had my first section meeting which was alright, but which could have been a lot better. While roaming the halls that night though, it was discouraging to see all the closed doors and lack of interaction, and it didn't help knowing that in the other sections, everyone was up and about. I felt awful, but I received a voice mail from Kai which made me feel loads better. Spoke to him for a short while and I went to bed around 3, spending loads of time roaming the halls to see if everyone was ok. Bumped into Peter the amigo who reassured me that everything was alright, which made me feel much better. Tuesday morning was a nightmare as the Frosh Week staff ran around residence banging pots and pans at 6.30am to drag the 1st years out of bed. The day was spent meeting people, trying hard to remember names and faces without looking like a doofus, lol. Battle of the Sexes was on in the evening, with the girls versus the guys, and it was hilarious! I laughed so hard that evening, just listening and watching them battle it out to be the smarter, savvier crew. Obviously, the chicks won, hah! Was up till 3. Spoke to a few people who were feeling homesick; I was glad I could help. Alex called from Vancouver, BC and we talked for a while before I went to sleep. Gathoni woke me up at 8, and I dragged myself out of bed at 9 to join Kristina for breakfast. Spent more time talking to the first years, watched Robin Hood: Men In Tights by myself, did my laundry and headed out for the university-wide BBQ held in front of the library. There was a live band, but Catherine and I didn't like the music, so we headed to my room to have some vodka and orange juice before heading out again. Oh, almost forgot, Heather came by (yay Heather!) and we talked for ages before she had to go. There was an impromptu hall party outside my place, which soon moved into my room. 11 people having tea or coffee while watching Shrek on my 15" monitor, lol. We had a blast. I'm remembering more names now, so that's good. I'm totally tired though; will be going to bed soon. I guess that pretty much covers my last week! Will add more as I see fit later, if I can remember *yawn*
Tiff. L [2:03 AM]