[ Thursday, February 28, 2024 ]
So I rearranged my room again, and in the background I hear Scott's mellow voice in Side. If you haven't downloaded the mp3 yet, do it :P Slept at 7am, woke up at 2. It's Sarah's birthday today, yay! Happy 21st Birthday Sarah! *hug* We spent the afternoon in Di's room just yakking and stuff. Susan, Sarah and Di have already left for dinner; I'm too broke to join them, but we're cooking Sunday, so that'll be fun. Oh yeah, and sookie received her package today, after three months (?!). At least it arrived safely, pfft. I don't even remember what I put in it now. Cleaned my fridge, and cleared my desk somewhat. I can't find my colourful toque :( [Found it! ;D] Oh yeah, and I received an e-mail saying that the dance was back on. Now how bloody fickle can you get? *shakes head* It's no wonder I never want to have anything to do with the International Student Association. Bloody waste of my time.
Currently listening to: Creed's My Own Prison Current emotion: . Random observation: "...no time for mourning, ain't got no time..."
Tiff. L [7:36 PM]
[ Wednesday, February 27, 2024 ]
If this year in residence has been a soap opera, we figure that next year, our house is gonna resemble a sitcom, so we're calling it Two Hicks and a Malaysian. Now all we need is a pizza place :P Watched FotR and Orange County. Was at the library for a while, and came back to catch the Grammy's. Bubba came by, so I stole his discman and started dancing up and down the hallway ;D We just discovered that he thought I was a Malay all this while, hehe. He's not the first :P There are plans to head to Long and Drew's place on Sunday for a cookoff in honour of Sarah's 21st birthday. Kayla and Susan are thinking Iron Chef style, lol. It should be interesting, da da dum. Chris is coming up again this weekend, so he's taking us shoe shopping, yay Chris! My credit card bill is here, and it looks ugly. I can't even bear to look at it :\
Today's rant: Guilt. I've been over this before: I always feel guilty when spending money, especially that which I did not earn. Even if I did, I usually give it to my parents instead of splurging. I know my education is expensive as hell, and I know deep down my parents don't expect me to start paying back till I start working. However, I can't help but feel that I should start now, and as such, it's hell most of the time. My parents work very hard for their money (and I'm talking 12 hours a day, 360 days a year). It's no fun I tell you. Working side by side with them ever since I was little has taught me how much I appreciate everything my parents have sacrificed to provide us with a better life. And therein lies the crux of the matter: I have been brought up to learn that I should never owe anyone anything, especially money, because debts of any kind means being weak. Weakness is "wrong", and yet I know that to be flawed is only to be human. Even so... (you see the vicious cycle I'm trying to paint here?). Is it possible to surgically remove one's conscience? :\
On an entirely lighter note, I've been likened to god, hah! *feels special*
Quote of the Day: God, Tiffany... what's the difference? - Heather
Currently listening to: Gob's Painted Black Current emotion: confused Random observation: My fuchsia pink toque is cool.
Tiff. L [11:06 PM]
[ Tuesday, February 26, 2024 ]
Know all those times I yakked about heading off for dance practice, and complaining about it? Three hours a week for the past few months, learning that stupid joget by heart. Guess what? We're pulling out.
Currently listening to: Collective Soul's She Gathers Rain Current emotion: stunned Random observation: In a state of disbelief.
Tiff. L [9:59 PM]
[ Monday, February 25, 2024 ]
It's Colin's birthday today. My brother's 24, eek. And to think I still remember times when we were just little brats running around the house, playing with Lego, Transformers and stuff. Yes, I played with Transformers and Silverhawks when I was a child :P We used to fight a lot...nowadays we don't even talk. Not that much anyway. I remember thinking how his friends treated me better than he did, and used to wish I had a nicer brother. In retrospect, my brother was a better friend than he was a sibling. I think I was jealous that he loved his friends more than family, but in his place... I don't know. It was always a toss-up between the sweet gestures vs his thoughtlessness. Then again... *shakes head* It's hard to say. I love him lots all the same. So yeah, Happy 24th Birthday kor :) Called home today and spoke for over an hour with my parents. It's reached that time of the year again when I want to drop everything and just go back. Dad's doing alright, and as long as mom doesn't carry anything heavy, she's recovering fine. Audrey hates her job, but is sticking with it at the moment anyway. Colin wasn't in, so I didn't get to wish him a happy birthday, although daddy did tell me that Colin predicted that I would call, come hell or high water, lol. It's nice to know that he has so much faith in me :) But yeah, mom had sent him off to see a healer/ witch doctor for palm reading. Da da dum. Old Chinese traditions, heh. *shrug* I've been looking for a pair of shoes online; will probably go downtown on Friday to get me a pair of Skechers, as my Timberlands are all ripped up. Considering I wore them every day for almost two years, I figure it's about time I changed them anyway.
Joke of the Day (courtesy of Kris): This is the transcript of the ACTUAL radio conversation of a US Naval ship and the Canadians, off the coast of Newfoundland in Dense fog, Oct 95. Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95. Canadians: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the South, to avoid a collision. Americans:Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the North, to avoid a collision. Canadians: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. Canadians: Negative. I say again, You will have to divert your course. Americans: THIS IS THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER USS LINCOLN. THE SECOND LARGEST SHIP IN THE UNITED STATES ATLANTIC FLEET. WE ARE ACCOMPANIED BY THREE DESTROYERS, THREE CRUISERS, AND NUMEROUS SUPPORT VESSELS. I DEMAND THAT YOU CHANGE YOUR COURSE 15 DEGREES NORTH, I SAY AGAIN, THAT'S 15 DEGREES NORTH, OR COUNTERMEASURES WILL BE UNDERTAKEN TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THIS SHIP. Canadians: We are a lighthouse. Your call.
Quote of the Day (courtesy of Kayla): Canada is not a country, it is a constitutionally organized hockey fan base - Unknown
Currently listening to: Serial Joe's Mistake Current emotion: . Random observation: Everyone makes mistakes in life.
Tiff. L [10:36 PM]
[ Sunday, February 24, 2024 ]
It's been a mad day. Dance audition at the AC this afternoon; we got in (as if it would been any other way, hah!). If I sound confident, it's only because three members of the committee were in the dance as well :P Watched hockey with Kayla, Anne and a bunch of other people in the Junior Common Room; the Canadians kicked ass, hehe. It was such a fantastic game! Kayla and I couldn't stop fidgeting for the longest time, and when Joe Sakic scored everyone screamed, yelled and clapped, lol. It was such an experience. We got back to rez screaming, shouting and jumping all the way. Jenn called to say that we were loud, but damn, Canada won, so of course we were! Had dinner in Kayla's room while watching Monsters Inc. Boo is so cute :) The name Boo was cute enough, but the little girl was simply.. *shakes head*. The only word to describe her: CUTE! *grins* Kayla and Di both want a kid just like her :P Excellent movie, that. Catherine came by and we yakked for a while. I've been mooching about in my room ever since. Just found out on sooks' blog that Di and Tse Wei were in a car accident, but besides bruises, scratches and a broken arm, they're relatively okay. Am breathing a sigh of relief over that. sooks will be updating me later.
Currently listening to: Garbage's When I Grow Up Current emotion: . Random observation: I have so much work to do, eek.
Tiff. L [11:55 PM]
CANADA BEAT THE US 5-2!!! Take that USA!!!! :P
*jumps around screaming!*
Tiff. L [5:31 PM]
So, I was supposed to leave Cornell at 5.55am right? Right. Guess who woke up at 6? hehe *shakes head* Yup, missed the first bus, and almost missed the second one too. It was a mad dash to the station; thank goodness I didn't miss that. Otherwise, it would mean spending another night in Ithaca :P Unfortunately, I only got to say g'bye to Cathy and not Kai, 'cause he ran off somewhere when the cab showed up. Ah well *shrug* I'll bet you they were like, "good riddance" after I left, lol! ;) Thank you Ze.. *bursts out laughing* I mean, Kai and Cathy, for putting up with me for the past few days, hehe. I had loads of fun. It was a long trip back; took me 12 hours to get from downtown Ithaca to Trent. Went to see Kayla, and she had her mom's car with her, so we went to McDonald's 'cause I hadn't eaten all day and she wanted to show off her driving skills :P Got back and watched the Olympics with her for a bit before coming up. I'm gonna hit the sack now *yawns*
Currently listening to: Faithless's Addictive Current emotion: tired Random observation: my room's a disaster.
Tiff. L [12:56 AM]
[ Saturday, February 23, 2024 ]
My last night in Ithaca. I leave in a little over four hours; can't believe how quickly time flew by.
Woke up around 10-ish and hung around in Kai's room while he and Cathy were in class. Took off for the Johnson Museum in the afternoon and spent a good two and a half hours just enjoying the art and artifacts. I can't even begin to describe the experience, and as I'm rather tired anyway, I'll go into details when I get back. Long story short, I was enthralled :) Met Kai and Cathy at the library and we headed to the mall to pick up the shoes that I was hankering after. Unfortunately, they didn't have my size :( Am rather disappointed, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. We had dinner at the North Star before hanging out in rez reading Maxim and just chilling. Started bantering with Kai, and the conversation turned to interesting names.
Kai: yeah, hi. My name is Zeus! me: ahahaha!! Zeus Tan! Kai: [fake deep voice] hi, I'm Zeus Tan... me: Zeus wasn't Chinese!! (10 minutes later) Cathy: I'm not dating anyone named Zeus! me: ahahahahha!!! Kai: if my mom named me after pregnancy cravings, my name would be Sushi Tan.... Cathy: Sushi Tan! ahahaha! Kai: Sushi or Tempura...Tanpura! me: lmao! Kai: Hi, my name's Sushi Tan. My friends call me Zeus (or Apollo), but you ladies can call me Thunderbolt... me and Cathy: ahahahhahahaha!!!
We're nuts, hehe. Wanted to catch an accapella performance later, but we reached Willard Straits too late, so we headed to Stella's instead for iced mocha. Sat around for a bit, and now we're back. I'm still thinking sbout my afternoon at the museum.
Currently listening to: Tracy Chapman's Fast Car Current emotion: . Random observation: Leaving in 4 hours :\
Tiff. L [1:52 AM]
[ Friday, February 22, 2024 ]
It's been a good day (aside from my broken necklace :\). Woke up at 11 and sat around before heading downtown with Kai. We checked out the local mall, and I saw a pair of shoes going for 50% off (I'm really tempted to go back and buy it :P). Came back and headed to the library; the English section was mind-boggling! I could hang out there all day, just for their collection of books. Walked around campus before it started to rain, pfft. Had dinner at a little Greek restaurant with Cathy and Kai before we stopped by the Schwartz Centre (it's the theatre/performing arts building) and tried to get tickets for the production of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Unfortunately, the waiting list was ridiculously long, so we scratched that idea and walked back to residence instead. Duane and Neera joined us and we headed to Stella's, a little artsy cafe in College Town. Sleepy. May be doing the campus tour thing courtesy of Duane tomorrow. I leave 5.55am on Saturday, eek. The fact that I'm in Ithaca still seems slightly surreal.
Currently listening to: Innuendo's Belaian Jiwa Current emotion: la da di da Random observation: Kai's trying to get me to attend classes for tomorrow
Tiff. L [1:27 AM]
[ Thursday, February 21, 2024 ]
I freaking broke my favourite bead necklace :(
Tiff. L [12:41 PM]
Hey world! Am blogging from Cornell University, Ithaca, wee!
The 11 hour bus ride was a bitch, and Kai was late *smacks him!*, but hey, I'm here. Spotted a really cute psych major on the way here, but he was heading to Boston (don't ask me how I know, lol). Cathy, Kai and I had a late dinner with takeout from Louie's Lunch in Kai's room. Had a quick tour around campus (in the dark, no less :P). Marianne called, and we yakked for a bit. Met Kai's best friend, Duane; he's really funny, lol. Also met Alex, Grant and Venky. Everyone's really nice here, and I'm blown away by the sheer size of the campus. 'tis so... different. Anyway, am gonna try and get some sleep. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow!
Quote of the Day: Yeah, Homer was actually homeboy! And The Odyssey? It's all about pimps and brothers; them classicists messed it up! - Grant
Currently listening to: nothing Current emotion: sleepy Random observation: Cornell's cool :)
Tiff. L [1:36 AM]
[ Wednesday, February 20, 2024 ]
Am wondering what I was thinking yesterday when I reminded myself constantly to catch the 6.45am bus downtown... yeah, was at the Greyhound station nice and early, only to find that the bus won't leave till 10.30 *slaps forehead* That rush downtown, all for nothing *scowls* Stupid Tiff.
I'll go bang my head against the wall now. Oh yeah, and Laura, keep me posted on the score. Will be on the bus to Ithaca when the game starts :(
Quote of the Day (perfect for me): [whiny tone] I'm so stuuuuuupidddddd [/whiny tone] - Kayla
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's 4am Current emotion: state of stupidity Random observation: bah humbug.
Tiff. L [8:28 AM]
Just checked Ruth's site, and there was a wonderful surprise in store: a song by Scott's band, Katrien. Side. Close your eyes and let Scott's voice carry you away. It's worth your time.
Scott, if you're reading this, hope all is well with you *hug*
Currently listening to: Katrien's Side Current emotion: tired Random observation: Have to leave Trent in a little over three hours.
Tiff. L [2:54 AM]
It's been a long day. Fell asleep around 3am, and mom called me at 6 to tell me that she won't be mailing me stuff after all :\ Seems that the box of cookies would've cost her about RM250 to mail, which really isn't worth it. Such a ridiculous amount, bah. Kayla, Sarah, Asha and I headed downtown at noon and walked around for a couple of hours, just enjoying each other's company. Got back early evening and made the decision to head to Ithaca, NY tomorrow to visit Kai and Cathy for a few days, and to hell with everything else. We had dinner at the LEC dining hall with Steve before Sarah and I got ready to head down to Sin City for Default. Waited in line for a good 45 minutes; we were drenched by the time we got in, pfft. The show was worth it though. I really liked the two opening acts; Three Days' Grace and Morning Maker. Default kicked ass, and Sarah and I were lucky enough to be smack in front of the stage, so we got to shake hands with them too *beams* [/groupie mode]. hehe. Got back around 1. Will be packing soon, as I leave at 6.45am tomorrow. Will be in Ithaca (and will probably blog from there) till Saturday.
Currently listening to: Default's Deny Current emotion: laidback Random observation: Am semi-deaf now.
Tiff. L [1:44 AM]
[ Tuesday, February 19, 2024 ]
Am trying to remember what I did today, hmm. 'tis way past my bedtime *yawns*
So yeah, I was up by 10 and had lunch with Kayla at OC as usual. Vacuumed my room, did some reading. Spent the afternoon editing the song for the Malaysian joget performance with Daniel; had a minor scuffle when he insisted on putting the Elmo song (you know, the bloody irritating one that goes "This is the song, la la la la, Elmo song"?) on the CD as well, bah. Dance practice at the AC for two hours before I got back. Found out that Default's concert was tomorrow, not today, so that was good. Had dinner with Sarah L before we watched Canada vs Czechoslovakia. Goddamn Czechs played dirty!! *swears!* Sarah and I (well, it was mostly me) were screaming and swearing for most of the game (Kayla was out); it was rather interesting actually. Hwoar Hay told us he would know the results just by our yells, hehe. The score was tied 3 all at the end :\ Yes Laura, Canada's playing Finland next, heh. That should be interesting :P Kay, enough of hockey. Spent time with Sarah, Kayla and Asha the rest of the evening. At one point Asha and I were listening to a reading over the radio; some weird psychological dramatic reading, very artsy and shit. It was wild :) Watched ice dancing with Kayla; goddamn judges rigged the bloody thing *sulks* Yeah, watching the Olympics just make me mad, pfft. I swore so much this evening, gaah... Sarah says she's gonna pick up all the rocks this week so that I won't have any to throw at people, hehe. Afterwords we were just yakking away, and Kayla recounted her meeting with Chris. That was funny, lol.
So, tomorrow's gonna be our annual romp around Peterborough. We're gonna catch the bus downtown and just roam about taking pictures and stuff. It's gonna be mad fun. I can't wait :) Off to bed now.
Currently listening to: Fatboy Slim's Praise You Current emotion: dazed Random observation: I have to admit that Kayla did a better job at Canadianizing me than I thought... :P
Tiff. L [12:52 AM]
[ Sunday, February 17, 2024 ]
I wanted to sleep a little over an hour ago *frowns* Kai called and semi-persuaded me to consider visiting him for a few days this week. I just might do that, hehe. Anyway, barely put down the phone when Asha barged in, back from Toronto. Spoke to her for not even 10 minutes before Becca came by in tears, so Asha left. Sorted some things out, and now I'm alone again. My life's more interesting than any silly old soap opera :P
Currently listening to: Five For Fighting's Superman Current emotion: still pooped Random observation: rez life- never a dull moment!
Tiff. L [10:49 PM]
I had a fabulously relaxing day :) Read a little of Faeries this morning and lazed around my room. Shean Min called from KL, yay! We yakked for about 5 minutes before the line got cut off, but whatever. Had lunch with Anne in OC before we wasted the afternoon away listening to old songs, drinking tea and chatting. Sarah H joined us later and I fixed her some food 'cause she hadn't eaten all day. Went for a walk around campus with Anne because it was a gorgeous out. Came back to Anne's room and mended my Dockers bag that had ripped when I was in NYC (finally!). Sarah L came by and it was just us laughing and joking for hours before we headed to OC together for dinner. Susan came up from downtown, wee! Gave her a piggyback ride and we were hyper all evening before winding down later. I remember threatening Sarah's friend over the phone... something along the lines of standing on a chair and smacking him, lol. Crazy I know. We lazed around in Kayla's room soon after and watched The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle and hockey. Been out of my room the whole day. I'm tired; will be going to bed early tonight. Ah, Wei Lynn just called: dance practice at 3.30pm *pokes self* Have to remember to burn the CD *yawns*
To do List for the Week:
Dance practice - Monday Freestyle skate, Olympics @ 9pm - Monday Default @ Sin City, 10pm - Tuesday Romp around downtown - Tuesday Visit Kai in Cornell (?) - Wednesday - Saturday Dance practice - Friday Dance audition - Sunday
Quotes of the Day: If you think you're gonna be struck by lightning, yeah, bend over! - Sarah L.
Currently listening to: Toni Braxton's Another Sad Love Song Current emotion: pooped Random observation: It's been a good day :)
Tiff. L [9:45 PM]
It's pathetic that over holidays my sleep time reverts to normal, but when school is in session I live like a vampire, pfft. Was up at 6am and just mooched about in my room. Called Shean Min but he wasn't in, and after reading sooks' blog (which was posted two days ago) I called her too. It was good to know that she's alright. Meandering thoughts cross my mind as I think over and over how people always feel that it's easier to just finish it off (both literally and figuratively speaking) when life lays us the smackdown every once a while. Hell yeah, I'll be the first to admit that I've thought about it too, especially when things got really bad, but there is so much that makes life worthwhile, no matter how dark the moments seem. I call university and dorm life a learning experience, and I'll be damned if I didn't see more about life and living these past six months than I've seen in five years of high school. I suppose if I had to cite one good thing about being an RA, it's that your eyes are open to so much more. Things one would have been oblivious to (just as I was in first year)... *shakes head* You cannot comprehend half the things people have and are going through; it's mind-boggling. There are numerous reasons why I can't speak of what I want to speak of right now, so for the moment, I'll just hum a little tune and write my thoughts in private.
How many time have your friends let you down? Just open up your heart Just open up your mind How many times has your faith slipped away? Well, is anybody safe? Does anybody pray?
How many days have you just slept away? Is everybody high? Is everyone afraid? How many times have you wished you were strong? Have they ever seen your heart? Have they ever seen your pain?
Oh, Life is waiting for you So messed up, but we're alive Oh, Life is waiting for you So messed up, but we'll survive - OLP's Life
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Life Current emotion: withdrawn Random observation: You know you're growing up when life means more than just knowing.
Tiff. L [8:56 AM]
[ Saturday, February 16, 2024 ]
I'm so sleepy. Was up since 4am, and besides a 20 minute nap in the afternoon, I've had no sleep. Watched Kayla and Chris play Nintendo before we drove Di to the Greyhound station. Had a late lunch at OC before coming back to rez. Instead of napping, I read a little and yakked with Daniel. Had my nap before Sarah, Chis, Kayla and I headed to Landsdowne for dinner at the Swiss Chalet. It was funny, 'cause everyone around us was over the age of 40 (or so it seemed) and we received a lot of "looks" (why I really can't imagine). Anyway, we played cards while waiting for our food and had plotted the steal those nice bottles of Italian olive oil they had on display *cheeky grin* 'course, we didn't follow through in the end, hehe. It was fun plotting though. Had yummy chicken for dinner and apple crumble for dessert, mm. Stopped by the LCBO soon after so that Sarah could pick some stuff up, and Chris was so nice as to buy me a mickey of Absolut Citron. So yeah, with the exception of Absolut Peppar (which I have no intention of buying), I have the whole set now, wee..!! We had a few shots and finished the peach schnapps left over from last month. I have to say, Absolut Mandrin still kicks ass, and is a class above the others. I'm going to bed now.
Currently listening to: UB40's C�st La Vi� Current emotion: blah Random observation: People try so hard to be perfect that they forget that it is our flaws that make us unique.
Tiff. L [9:47 PM]
"Superman (It's Not Easy)"
I can't stand to fly I'm not that naive I'm just out to find The better part of me
I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane More than some pretty face beside a train It's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry Fall upon my knees Find a way to lie About a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd, but don't be naive Even heroes have the right to bleed I may be disturbed, but won't you concede Even heroes have the right to dream It's not easy to be me
Up, up and away, away from me It's all right; you can all sleep sound tonight I'm not crazy, or anything:
I can't stand to fly I'm not that naive Men weren't meant to ride With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet Digging for kryptonite on this one way street Only a man in a funny red sheet Looking for special things inside of me
It's not easy to be me. -Five For Fighting
Tiff. L [2:36 PM]
So yeah, watched hockey with Kayla and Chris last night; team Canada lost to Sweden 2-5! Now how sad is that?! They were clear favourites goddamnit!! :( It was depressing I tell ya... I couldn't even watch after the second period. Stupid Sundin *growls* We played cards after the game, and I'll be damned if Kayla and Chris don't swear a lot, lol. I just flat gave up playing after a while and went to bed. Am wide awake now, la da di da. Sarah came up after a night out and wanted food, so I fed her, and now she's asleep on my bed. Reading Break's started, yay! One whole week of just mooching about rez with no classes to go to. It's already Saturday though; I should be productive... (right..). Ah well.
Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World's My Sundown Current emotion: . Random observation: A lot of people think no one cares. That's a lie. There's always at least one who does. Remember that.
Tiff. L [5:50 AM]
[ Friday, February 15, 2024 ]
Look what Kayla got me for Chinese New Year!!

weee...!! Isn't it funky? It matches my Canada sweatshirt which she and Asha got me last year, lol. It's become sort of a tradition now it seems *grins* Thank you Kayla! *hug*
Currently listening to: Apollo Four Forty's Stop The Rock Current emotion: loved Random observation: I'm being Canadianized!
Tiff. L [8:15 PM]
It's been an interesting day. Spent the morning talking with an assortment of people, from Jenn to Stephanie to Mira and Sarah. Was in my room all afternoon and evening before William and Daniel came by to play chodaidee. Daniel played an excellent game; I drank quite a bit, but poor William took the brunt of it, lol. The guys finished 2 bottles of wine while I had vodka; the bottle's almost empty now :/ Surprisingly, I don't feel anything. Just a tad weird. William left at 1am, and Daniel and I played Blackjack and just talked about economics, people, culture. It was an interesting conversation. He left at 4. Almost forgot to say; Kris told me Default is coming to Peterborough on Monday; they're performing at Sin City. I'm so gonna be there!
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Superman's Dead Current emotion: . Random observation: Be very careful when accepting a kind gesture. There are people who expect payback later.
Tiff. L [4:40 AM]
[ Thursday, February 14, 2024 ]
Mornin' world :)
Damn, woke up at 6 today, hehe. Just finished making some cards for the section, since it's Valentines and all *makes a face* Ah well, everyone likes getting mail :) Miranda's godfather sent me a huge bottle of cinnamon candy, hehe. He's so nice. Am talking to Will now; he wants to play chodaidee with Daniel and YiMin tonight, with vodka as stakes, lmao. I should never have told him what I did over New Year's, bah.
Anyway, I think I'll try to get some work done.
Currently listening to: D-Cru's Show Me Current emotion: s'okay Random observation: Valentines is overrated.
Tiff. L [8:26 AM]
[ Wednesday, February 13, 2024 ]
I'm so psyched! I actually slept last night, and woke up like a normal person, hehe. Had breakfast with Asha at the LEC caf. Long and busy day with classes and stuff. Attended my classics tutorial with Kris. I had a presentation for my science fiction class, so I spent an hour throwing ideas together (good thing I liked the book so much) before heading to the library. A lot of people were absent, so there were only seven of us and Trevor, my prof. The first presenter was okay, but the discussion that followed was simply amazing. I bought Timbits for the class during break just for the heck of it. I really can't explain why and how; I just enjoyed the tutorial so much! A true trading of perceptions, ideas, concepts... it's just mind-boggling. Anyway, it was my turn after break, and I had so much fun! (I know, I'm weird). I was really nervous at first, but as we launched into debate after debate, sharing details we caught and ideas about utopia and perfection.. *sighs* One of the best discussions ever. And as icing on the cake, Trevor told me I did a fantastic job, woohoo!! Had a meeting with Prof. Conolly after that regarding my grades, and we managed to sort things out. Went for dinner with Di, Susan, Roger and Kayla, and as usual, we had mad laughs. They were showing The Vagina Monologues at Wenjack Theatre, which became the butt of many jokes at our table.
Roger: Why are you wearing a suit for a vagina? Susan: Vagina Monologues stupid! Roger: Vagina!! Kayla: Let's think happy thoughts. Roger: What? Like vaginas?
*shakes my head lmao!*
Gonna run downstairs now. Be back later, wee!!
Currently listening to: Nine Days' If I Am (Acoustic) Current emotion: bouncy :) Random observation: It feels good to be this happy.
Tiff. L [6:56 PM]
My quietest New Year yet. Stayed in all day reading and surfing. Watched a bit of the Winter Olympics with Kayla before coming back up and just mooched around in my room. Slept. Kris came by, and we yakked for a while. Slept some more. I'm awake now.
Currently listening to: Darude's Tear Apart Current emotion: . Random observation: It feels like any other day.
Tiff. L [1:55 AM]
[ Tuesday, February 12, 2024 ]
My present from Laura!
I drank
dance like a psychotic Powerbook
lmao. I feel special ;D *hugs Laura*
Currently listening to: Arrested Development's Everyday People Current emotion: . Random observation: messing with words free the mind and soul.
Tiff. L [5:39 PM]
It's past midnight; Happy Chinese New Year everyone :)
Been an insanely tiring day. Didn't/couldn't sleep all night. Had breakfast with Kayla and Therese before heading for classes downtown Traill. Received a couple of grades back which I'm okay with. We watched a small clip of the production of The Importance of Being Earnest in Theatre; it was hilariously funny :) I always forget when reading plays that these were meant to be performed, not read, so one doesn't catch the jokes until you watch a production of it. Even listening to my classmates do a reading of it gives the play and entirely different and witty perspective that I lose out on when I treat it as I would any other text. In other words, yes, I enjoyed my classes with Prof. Hollinger as usual :) Kris, if you're reading this, I got you the essay questions for the next classics paper okay. Had a short nap before having dinner with Heather, Becca, Kayla, Asha and Anne. Heather gave me a little bag of confetti for the New Year, seeing as she leaves early tomorrow morning for Myrtle Beach. The confetti thing goes back to last year, when Heather threw confetti all over my room without realizing that it was tradition that one does not clean on New Year's day. We had confetti strewn all over the place then, even up and down the hallways, lol. Thank you Heather *hug* Called home several times, but the line was always engaged. Finally got through around 11, and spoke to my parents, siblings and assortment of aunts and uncles for over an hour. Found out that my grand-aunt passed away last week, but everyone's doing fine. Mom's gonna try and send me some cookies (yay!) and I got to talk to Colin and Audrey *smiles*. I miss my sister and brother when I'm in Canada, even though we don't talk to each other much when at home. There's so much more mom and dad told me, but I really can't remember. Oh yeah, and Austin called, lol. We had a bet going to see who had the stronger accent: his Texan drawl compared to my Malaysian/Canadian slang. No-win situation, bah.
I should go sleep; am functioning on a little more than two hours right now. However, I'd like to ask a favour from all who read this: please visit here and leave a birthday wish for Jan Ee's younger brother on the comment box, as he's celebrating it alone this year. Thanks :)
Currently listening to: Indecent Obsession & Mari Hamada's Fixing A Broken Heart Current emotion: . Random observation: So much to do, so little time.
Tiff. L [2:20 AM]
[ Monday, February 11, 2024 ]
Every day you learn something new, and with it, your faith gets chipped away a little more. I can't figure what I'm doing right or wrong. Not anymore, anyway. I need signs, directions, anything. Anything.
"You've changed, Tiff".
I know. How exactly, I'm not too sure. But yeah, if it'll make you feel better, I'll pretend: I know.
Before I forget, Happy 21st Birthday sooks *hugs tight* Wish I could celebrate it with ya.
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Life Current emotion: . Random observation: Here's to 7 years of friendship sooks! :)
Tiff. L [1:05 AM]
[ Sunday, February 10, 2024 ]
Godamnit, lost my last blog *groans* Haven't felt like blogging in a while, and when I finally get a few lines down the bloody thing messes up on me and I lose it *growls*
Back to my day. Nothing much, aside from heading off to Wenjack Theatre to see Di's fashion show. It was pretty good. Called home; everyone's kinda ill because of the bad weather, bah. Chinese New Year's in two days' time; I wanna go back for that :\ Obviously, I can't. Christmas doesn't bother me half as much, but Chinese New Year's extra special 'cause that's when I get to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews all together. It also means that my parents close the shop, and I get to spend time with them, especially with daddy. Ah well. We deal. Found out from mom that Colin's being exploited/cheated by his employers. Am so mad about that, grr. If I had my way I'd break his boss's arms and legs, give him papercuts all over and make him bathe in salt water, right before I have him drawn and quartered and fed to the lions. Hmph. I'm feeling too much right now. Be back later.
Currently listening to: Fuel's Bad Day Current emotion: irate Random observation: Changed my backdrop back to its original colour. Okay Kayla, you may remove your sunglasses now :P
Tiff. L [1:41 AM]
[ Saturday, February 09, 2024 ]
Almost forgot to blog, hmm. Tired, actually. Was up till 2pm and slept till 5. Woke up, spoke to Kayla for a bit and went back to sleep for another two hours before we got ready to head to the Vibe. Throwing Asha into the shower two hours before we left was insufficient preparation time, so she joined us later, heh. It was a good evening out, and I got to see Althea and everyone else, so that was fun. We danced for several hours before Kayla, Megan and I pleaded exhaustion and headed home. Headache.
Currently listening to: Blackstreet's Booty Call (Original Remix) Current emotion: sleepy and tired Random observation: My feet hurt :P
Tiff. L [5:18 AM]
[ Friday, February 08, 2024 ]
Just found out that Joe's not gonna be blogging anymore, bleh. Just when we found him too, hehe. Funny thing, I haven't seen or spoken to him in years, and it was by chance that sooks found him online again. He made that nice card which I mentioned some time ago, and I've known him since I was 15, lol. Time certainly flies by. I still remember him telling sooks and I that he was 12, haha! Yes Joe, I still remember..!! We were so gullible then, tsk tsk. He would call us 'jie jie', and make us 'carry' him, lol. IRC made full use of the imagination *grins* I remembered thinking he was such a cute 'kid' (I should have known better...). Aye Joe, if not for you, I would never have pulled off my "I'm 10 years old" stunt in #bangsar, hehe. Discovering the internet and IRC has certainly changed my life, however clich�d the idea. Without it, I wouldn't have met some of the best people ever, such as Merv, Yih Hau, Eugene, Azuan, Sue... I could just go on and on. It's also kept my friendship with sooks alive and well. Without our blogs and ICQ, I doubt we'd be as updated and in touch as much as we are now (proven by the fact that sooks happens to be the only one that I keep in constant contact with since high school). Ah well, I digress. Good luck with the new job Joe, and I hope to catch you online sometime, somehow, even without the blog. Take care, hear? I'll harass you when I get back to KL :P
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Thief Current emotion: . Random observation: I should sit down and pen all those moments so long ago.
Tiff. L [7:00 AM]
I slept through the college fire drill today. Yup, if there was an actual fire, I'd be dead. Woohoo!
I still don't know how I did it. I swear, I didn't hear a thing. I must have been either exhausted or just plain deaf. Ah well. Be thankful it wasn't a real fire, heh. And to think I was suppose to be the one making sure that everyone got out alright... Nothing much today, just academic stuff I have to sort. Saw Peter Northrop this morning; he was trying to recruit me for ISW for the new school year. Still can't get over how desperate Prof Kruger is for international students to volunteer for ISW, lmao. I'm rather disappointed that Kris and Linz didn't get the Co-Chairs position. If they did, I'd change my mind about helping out. As it is, it's the college's loss. *hugs Kris* All is well, girl. Among other things, two of my friends (who shall remain nameless) are dating. I have no particular opinion about that, but even if I did, I'm not gonna say it here anyway. Too many readers, haha! Megan will be here in 16 hours, and Di's entourage of friends are showing up too. Tonight we party like mad at Club Vibe, and the day after is Di's fashion show held at Wenjack Theatre. Busy busy. Sharon called, but I was asleep. Sorry :\ There are plans to ambush me with make-up and/or something else Friday night. I say over my dead body. You hear me Kayla? Over my dead body! lol. And Roger? Here's your plug. Hope that makes your day :P
Currently listening to: Fiona Apple's Criminal Current emotion: . Random oberservation: so sleepy...
Tiff. L [4:05 AM]
[ Thursday, February 07, 2024 ]
I was actually prepared for a lecture for once, and what do I do? Fall asleep half an hour before class *smacks forehead* I'm hopeless. And to think I spent 6 hours reading that stupid book too. Actually, it was a surprisingly good read, heh. Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress; I recommend it for those interested in biogenetics and science fiction as a whole. Only problem is that it's 438 pages long, and no, there are no pictures inside :P Am very excited though, 'cause Kayla, Sarah and I checked out a house today at University Heights. The rooms are huge, we have our own washer and dryer, a really nice kitchen, and it costs only CD350 a month all-inclusive, eee! The landlady's really nice, and they have a golden retriever who's the cutest ever. I'm excited! *bounces* There's a slight problem with one of the old tenants coming back though, but we're gonna take it anyway. Too good to pass up! Spent a good part of the evening listening to Our Lady Peace and hanging out with Kayla, Di and Asha. Kayla actually cleaned her room today, because Megan's visiting :) On the way back to my room I got sidetracked by Carla, Katie, both Stephanies and Madihah. We ended up yakking away for a good hour or so before I left. Da da dum. Been sitting here trying to figure out what the heck I've been doing for the past three hours. Think I'll go read my other books now.
Currently listening to: Collective Soul's Vent Current emotion: la di da Random observation: Have to remember to renew my books at the library tomorrow.
Tiff. L [4:52 AM]
[ Wednesday, February 06, 2024 ]
Stupid sniffles.
Caught up on some readings, but not all. I'm like a vampire now; the light is evil, and darkness my comfort and friend. "I want to sleep and never wake up again", da da dum... Didn't sleep all night, slept all day and now I'm wide awake. I like being alone more and more. I'm rambling. I remember having breakfast with Therese and Sarah H this morning. I've reserved the honour of being the godmother to Sarah's first child. In fact, I figure by the time I'm in my thirties, I will have no less than 15 godchildren, hehe. Go me :P Card from Joe. Thank you :)
Thought of the Day: If I don't make it known that I've loved you all along just like sunny days that we ignore because we're all dumb & jaded and I hope to God I figure out what's wrong - Our Lady Peace, 4am
Stupid sniffles.
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's 4am Current emotion: . Random observation: OLP rocks :)
Tiff. L [12:43 AM]
[ Tuesday, February 05, 2024 ]
Had breakfast with Kayla this morning and turned in my theatre paper on time, wee! Walked around downtown with Allan after our lecture before I went back for tutorials. I enjoy my classes with Prof. Hollinger, because like Prof. Storey, she truly loves what she is teaching and encourages critical thinking without being a pain about it. Surprisingly enough, we ended the class with a discussion of perfection and idealism, something which I was thinking about earlier in the day. Got back around 4 and harassed Roger for a bit. He's paranoid about me stealing his stuff now, lol. Before I left, he made me empty my pockets and count his hats to make sure I didn't run off with any! *shakes head* Should have borrowed his Maxim, darn. Forgot about that. Slept a for a few hours before I went downstairs to see everyone. Caught up on news with Heather and Becca; Becca's officially dating Murray now. They've been hanging out a lot at the Bible College, so I don't see them much nowadays. Among other things, Capstones is coming to Peterborough. If I'm not mistaken, they're a Christian band from Sudbury, and Kayla went to school with the drummer. Haven't spoken to sooks and the rest of them Urban Village people for a bit. Chris, Uncle Ben, Pearly, hope all is well with ya. Wonder how Ruth is doing. Meh. Time to sleep a bit before I wake up and finish my 205 assignments.
Currently listening to: Mayfield Four's Eden Current emotion: . Random observation: Mica sends some pretty damn good songs my way, heh.
Tiff. L [1:56 AM]
[ Monday, February 04, 2024 ]
Almost 5am and I'm still up. I swear, I'm functioning on Malaysian time. I blame it on jetlag (6 months later, lol). Bleh. Managed to catch some friends whom I haven't spoken to in ages online, among them Shao Yi, Poh Lin, John and Pascal. Everyone's basically okay, and Shao and Poh Lin are making preparations to leave for Gippsland, Australia, to further their studies. Was talking to Di over ICQ, and we were both complaining about how we hated schoolwork and would like a chance to pursue our dreams. In her case, it was singing, and for me, writing. Call it an abstract dream if you will. Personally, I can't see myself churning out novels and stuff. Even short stories are beyond me, so what exactly am I going to write?! Poetry? Hell no. Daily crap, now that I'm good at *grins* In an ideal world, I'd be reading the stuff I wanted to read and writing whatever came to mind. I wouldn't have to worry about grades or money, and I'd learn for the sake of learning alone. That would never hold up in reality though. We place too much importance on the material, so much so that we forget the characteristics that truly make a decent human being: kindness, tolerance, understanding and loyalty. 'course, some common sense and courtesy never hurt anyone :P Maybe I'll write the next Utopia, haha. Perfect government (non-existent in my eyes), perfect beings, perfect lifestyle. Then again, there is no point in obtaining perfection, because then there would be no more heights to reach, and that would lead to the degeneration of humanity. We were never made to be happy with what we have and what we are; it is an inherent quality which makes us strive to be constantly better. Dreams act as goals which are superceded by higher aspirations as each step becomes fulfilled. However, don't let me preach of perfectibility and dystopia; I'll save that for my science fiction papers. As for now, history and theory of theatre beckons, so I bid thee adi�u.
Currently listening to: Live's Lightning Crashes Current emotion: . Random observation: My moments of absolute randomness scare me sometimes, hehe. I'll be damned if this isn't a long rant of sorts :P
Tiff. L [5:18 AM]
Overslept and ended up not helping Kris move furniture as promised. Sorry Kris :\ Woke up to rather disturbing news (thanks Kayla :P) and things were rather blurry for the longest time. Headed downstairs to the JCR later with Kayla and Sarah and had a surprisingly good time. Threw peanuts at the people who sat in front of us, including Kris's bf-now-made-official who happens to be a bouncer at one of the clubs downtown. You should have seen him scowl at us, hiaks! At one point some guy came and took the bowl of peanuts away, and this was us protesting:
Kayla: hey, he took our peanuts! Me: give us back our peanuts damnits! Kayla: peanut-envy!!! Me: ahaha! Kayla: We want our nuts back! *outburst of giggles*
At this point Kevin turned around and gave us looks, and we laughed even more, hehe. Poor Sarah was trying to watch the game, but we were being a pain :P Tried to steal Eren's Tag watch away, but Kayla made me give it back, hmph. Di joined us later with jelly cups at hand, yay Di! Halftime came around and some people tuned in to Playmates' Fear Factor. Tanay was so excited about that, haha! I couldn't stop laughing at him for a while :P The rest of us watched U2's performance which was fantastic, and as everyone knows, New England Patriots won in overtime. 'course, I didn't stay for the whole thing. Came back around 9 to see Asha and yak with her for a while. Deandra came downstairs and we started dancing in Kayla's room, lol. Spent some time with Miranda before hitting the books. Borrowed Becca's Phaedra for my paper tomorrow, heh. That girl's my lifesaver. Heather's still not back from her 'retreat' thing yet. Come to think of it, we really were disruptive at the party today, lol. Yay us, and yay for Kris and Nessa for pulling off one of the best parties ever!
Off to work.
Currently listening to: Penn Off the Beat's cover of U2's Where The Streets Have No Name Current emotion: . Random observation: I wish I could see U2 live in concert :\
Tiff. L [12:45 AM]
[ Sunday, February 03, 2024 ]
Can't work, don't wanna sleep. Am listening to Linkin Park's Cure for The Itch. Da da da...*hums along* Know what I think is the coolest job? DJ-ing and bartendering. Back in summer, a few of us got together and formed a pact of sorts; ten years down the road, we're all gonna chip in about 5 to 10K each and open a pub or bar. Hehe. Sounds mad I know, but I seriously hope we follow through. Unfortunately, come to think of it, ten years down the road, I'll probably be still in school working for my PHD. But we'll see what happens.
February's Important Dates to Remember: Phaedra paper (4th) Dons meeting (10th) sooks' 21st birthday (11th) Chinese New Year (12th) Credit card bill (13th) *scream!* Beggars in Spain presentation (13th) Reading Break (18th) Colin's 24th birthday (25th)
The things I do to avoid work, tsk tsk.
I am Hestia. Hestia was the sweet Goddess of the Hearth. She never married, but only because too many people liked her and she didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. She was the most gentle of the Greek pantheon, and she was way cool. Like her, you make people around you feel content and loved. Go you! See which Greek Goddess you are.
Hah! What a joke.

Its only the classic black Doc Martens for me... My soul is dark so why shouldn't my shoes be?
This is more like it :P
I hate Sundays.
Currently listening to: Tantric's Breakdown Current emotion: . Random observation: I want to be six again.
Tiff. L [3:19 AM]
Slept most of the day away, yay me. Superbowl party tomorrow down at the Junior Common Room; will be helping Kris set up at 12pm. Sarah and Di had an interesting night downtown; Di broke up two fights and Sarah's bf spent the night at the police station, hmm. Listening to Di recount details with only an hour's sleep in her system was hilarious; her face contorts in several expressions that I can't even describe, hehe. I'm craving chocolate. We spent the rest of the evening hanging out in Di's room with Susan and Sarah, just chilling. Am looking forward to the TACSU party held at the Vibe next week; it's gonna be mad fun! Di's fashion show's on the same weekend, and on top of that, everyone's having guests up, so we're gonna be busy. Came back up, downloaded a couple of songs and did nothing productive aside from playing my music really loud and singing along *grins* Dance practice's cancelled for the week, wee..!! Watched SNL with Kayla and read Cosmo between commercials. Have to work on some papers now. I hate papers :P
I'm cheap, hmph. They're probably bias against short people *scowls* How much are you worth?
Quote(s) of the Day: I need a tetris shot! - Sarah L. The shit hit the fan and the fan was on maximum speed! - Sarah L.
Currently listening to: Sir Mix A Lot's Baby Got Back Current emotion: . Random observation: Can't wait for next week..!!
Tiff. L [1:59 AM]
[ Saturday, February 02, 2024 ]
Been sitting here for over an hour with Blogger open and I haven't typed a thing. I'm losing my touch, hehe. Maybe I should stop blogging? :P ~
Asha spent a good hour yakking away to friends on my AIM list while I rearranged my room (yet again). We went downstairs later and I danced up and down the hallway for fun before harassing Asha's friends in return on her MSN list. Kayla fell asleep 9-ish, and I helped Anne download some music before I went over to North to visit Kris. I haven't seen her in a while, so it was good to do some catching up. Came back and Kayla was up and on the 'phone with Chris. Got her some water, got her pajamas out, put toothpaste on her toothbrush (?) and straightened her blankets before yelling at Chris to let her go back to bed, hehe. Checked with Sarah H about the house situation; she's gonna bug Tanya for us, and we'll probably find out Monday-ish if we get to live downstairs from them, wee! I miss living next to Sarah H. She's fun :) Visited Jeff down the other end of the hall and yakked away with him, Daniel, Katie and Nicole. Found out that Daniel plays chodaidee as well as mahjong, woohoo! Now if only we can get ourselves a third and fourth player... Will try to get something productive done now.
Quote of the Day: Hey Tiff, do you know the song that goes "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.."? - Anne
lmao. I love Anne ;D
Currently listening to: Newsboys' Joy Current emotion: la di da Random observation: The pink's gotta go soon... :P
Tiff. L [2:54 AM]
[ Friday, February 01, 2024 ]
Goddamn windchill; I guess winter's finally arrived. About time too if you ask me ;)
Hi world. ~
Wipe the slate clean, forgive and forget. Chinese New Year's coming up. I want to say everything's alright and mean it. I want to see people whom I've disagreed with, whom there have been problems, and say, screw everything, start afresh. Life's too short to carry all the emotional baggage and grudges that we do. I say bitch and let it all out, and start anew. Wipe the slate clean. ~
Bye world.
Currently listening to: Tantric's Mourning Current emotion: . Random observation: -14C with windchill. Yay Canada!
Tiff. L [7:45 PM]
What to blog, what to blog? For once I really don't know, heh. I spent the afternoon holed up in my room before Kayla and Sarah H came upstairs to visit. We watched SNL clips which were bloody funny. Watched Friends and Will & Grace in Kayla's room after that. Did some reading before heading back downstairs to hang out with the girls. Burp sessions, omg, ahaha! Laughed so hard the next few hours *shakes head* I needed that. Was talking to Chris on AIM; he calls me his Canadian-based gf, haha! He's got two in Malaysia, countless in SF and me stuck in Peterborough. Not bad for a guy who's not interested in women, eh Chris? *winks* sooks tells me there's a reunion of sorts tonight in KL; a bunch of high school people are gonna meet up. Would love to see some friends, but overall...nah. Saw enough teachers when I went back for summer, and as much as I would love to say they 'made a difference in my life', they didn't. My lecturers in college did that. I found two e-mails from way back in '97 from a friend of mine. Sat down and thought about what things were like then, heh. I was, ah. Made mistakes and said/did things I wish I could take back now. I was a tactless person then (probably still am, lol). Meh. And sooks, godamnit, stop laughing at me!! :P *shakes head*
Rubber update (since everyone's so fascinated): 25 pieces placed outside at 4am; I checked this afternoon and they were all gone. Go Nunnery! :P
Quote of the Day: Are you English, or retarded?! - Alex Trebek (from SNL Celebrity Jeopardy)
Currently listening to: Steve Curtis Chapman's Live Out Loud Current emotion: . Random observation: We're thinking of putting a kiddy pool in the middle of the living room next year as a centerpiece so that we can play battleships (?) *confused/amused look*
Tiff. L [3:44 AM]