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Nothing doing, just relaxin'.
Made lunch for everyone as we vegged out in front of the TV. Decided to walk to TK's with Pei Tsuey and Pei Yun to grab my stuff before heading downtown for coffee, talk and groceries. Came home to a dead household *grins* Everyone's just recovering and regenerating for tonight. Sarah and Punky were supposed to head up to campus for the beer tents but decided against it because of shitty weather.
Punky made chicken and I cooked up some perogies and baked a sauce and cake thing for dinner. The girls didn't get ready till almost 10, and DJ came by to pick them up, the brat. After Di took off to Alex's I decided to draw myself a bath, which was great. Feels so damn chill, heh.
Anyway, that pretty much wraps up the day. Off to read Shakespeare's Henry IV before I climb into bed.
Damn, before I forget, here's a question: is the column layout messed? It looks it on my side, but I can't for the life of me understand it, since I didn't touch the coding at all. Please let me know yah?
Currently listening to: Coldplay's Clocks
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Nothing like some Coldplay to wind up the day.