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Shakespeare's a pain in the ass, especially reading something as long and wordy as Henry IV when you're functioning on two hours of sleep. Even so, I will persevere, if only to prove to myself that all-nighter or no, I can do it.
The life of a university student.
It's hard to wake up and be overwhelmed immediately with life's trials, so much so that you want to call it quits, but I find solace in the fact that I can still get out of bed and keep fighting it anyway.
Was at Yimin's for a while yesterday, and she taught me how to play ping pong while acquainting me with the finer points of Jay Chou *grins* We had a learning conversation, and I left a little later feeling... thoughtful.
People say the oddest things, or maybe it's not that odd; I've just never seen it that way.
Anyway, have procrastinated enough. Back to the books.
Focus Tiffy!
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Underwater
Current emotion: overwhelmed
Random observation: There's a tight feeling within, a vise-like grip around the soul; caged, bound, locked.
Replies: 2 peanuts
I don't hear working
Posted by Princess @ 10/06/2024 09:44 PM GMT
Posted by t @ 10/06/2024 10:58 PM GMT