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Here's to the crazy ones
the misfits, the rebels
the trouble-makers
The ones who
see things differently
You can quote them
disagree with them
glorify or vilify them
But the only thing you can't do is
ignore them
Because the people who are
crazy enough to think
they can change the world
are the ones who do.

- Unknown (found on Head of the Trent beer mug)

Hey uncle, how do you feel about having your niece come bum with you for a couple of months? :P

Currently listening to: Coldplay's Shiver (acoustic)
Current emotion: drained
Random observation: Maybe; just... maybe.

Replies: 5 peanuts

Sure, sure!

Bummers unite! Together we stand, drink lots, make merry, get drunk, have liver problems, and die.

Divided we fall, drink lots, make merry, get drunk have, liver problems, and also die.

Wait...something's not...right... *scratches head*


Posted by A @ 10/07/2024 08:12 PM GMT

I'll come home with a litre then. Oh yeah, and remember, we don't die of liver problems. We die from road rage and heart attacks, but not before we've kicked the shit out of the idiot driving in front of us ;)

Posted by t @ 10/07/2024 10:15 PM GMT

Oh yeah! True, true. Had about half a dozen incidents (i.e. near misses) this week alone. I swear, the temptation to beat the crap out of some of these idiot drivers is sooooo strong...

When are you coming back? XMas?

Posted by A @ 10/08/2024 05:37 AM GMT

Hi, Tiff. It occured to me that I haven't heard form you since our last msn cath-up. Makes me wonder if you got my hurried goodbye (i was very sleepy, and i wasn't able to wait for your reply.)

*hugs you* Hope to catch you again one of these days :)

Posted by ruth @ 10/08/2024 12:33 PM GMT

uncle: maybe sooner. I'll keep you posted. give me a working email address damnit! and next time, drive with a rock in your car, so that when you zoom by you can toss it out the window at them (and you did *not* learn that trick from me...)

ruth: hey you :) posted on your site. hope to talk to you soon *hug*

Posted by t @ 10/08/2024 02:53 PM GMT