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"A breath away"
We watched Bobby Hoe in action today, woo!
I think I did pretty damn well in my presentation on The Lais of Marie de France, double woo!
Pizza, warm weather and ice cream. woowoowoo.
Aside from that, everything fucking sucks.
Speaking in tongues,
Releasing minds,
breaking cages
as the soul rages
on about heaven and hell,
Just tear the blinds
and madness quell.
Looking for peace,
day by day
A breath away.
Currently listening to: Linkin Park's Faint
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: Negativity permeates every pore.
Replies: 2 peanuts
may i ask you tiff...what is it that's making you so unhappy? you seemed like such a happy soul when i met you. hope everything is ok.
Posted by shen @ 10/09/2024 02:59 AM GMT
Everyone has a role to play in life. Sometimes we stumble, fall, forget our lines. The honest cringe, suffer in public, but get on with their part. The happiest, and thus, the most suspect, are those who laugh and brush it off, those who make it all a joke.
Wear thy mask,
A play, thy task,
to present to the public
what you wish them to see,
keep the truth for
myself, I and me.
take care, shen :)
Posted by t @ 10/09/2024 03:56 AM GMT