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"Almost there..."
Sarah and Api left yesterday, and Di and Punky left not too long ago. It's Thanksgiving weekend, and after I finish getting some stuff sorted, it's off to Toronto to meet the Hong family and to pick up my mom and sister from the airport ;D
The shock's worn off, and I'm getting pretty damn excited about seeing family. Did some major cleaning today (before the 'inspectors' arrive!).
Sharon called, and we yakked for quite a bit. Will be seeing her at Christmas, if not sooner.
Called dad.
It's quite amazing to see the world through such a different pair of eyes; it's been awhile.
Di's picking me up tomorrow, and we're heading to IKEA I think. Shopping, rah!
This Thanksgiving, I truly do have a lot to be grateful for.
<3 <3 <3 !!!
Currently listening to: Eve 6's Rendezvous (Beautiful Oblivion)
Current emotion: loved
Random observation: T- minus 20 hours.