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"And we're back..."

The grumpy me, that is.

Absolutely miserable.


Better to laugh than to cry, that's what I always say.

*waves to unc and sooks and s and ruth*

I need sleep, but it's only at night that I get peace with my thoughts.

They're driving me crazy :/

Have yet to get a decent night's sleep, and I don't know if I will for the next two weeks. Don't get me wrong, it's great to see them and all, but having to figure entertainment for two complete opposites is a challenge in itself. Mom's traditional Chinese, Audrey loves anything American. Mom needs to be kept busy, Audrey doesn't care. And that's just the beginning.

Among other things, I've been told to rearrange and redecorate my room, cover a mirror, learn how to cook (!!), keep my room and the house clean, stop being so bloody grumpy and have a sense of humour. RAH!

It's not all bad; am just ranting.

Everyone's back, and we had an excellent dinner today, courtesy of mom.

Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful, thanks to Di's family, but it was also very tiring for mom and Audrey who were suffering from severe jetlag. Also, I don't know what's up, but they've been bugging me about everything from my sleep pattern to general behaviour which kills me.


So damn tired.

...and she just woke up to tell me to go sleep.


...maybe I should do like Lilo and scream into a pillow or something.


Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Best I Ever Had
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Isn't it wrong to be this frustrated?

Replies: 3 peanuts

"...and she just woke up to tell me to go sleep.


yep, only parents can do that and we can't scream at them for it. Heehee, they sure have a weird way of showing their love and concern. ;)

Posted by ruth @ 10/15/2003 11:05 AM GMT

*hehs. u just can't wait 2 c them. and when u do, u're soo used to your usual quiet domain. fam is fam =) & yes its wierd knowing that being online, makes the world too damn small, almost claustrophobic. give my regards to mom and audrey. * my turn next week.....

Posted by yvonne l. @ 10/15/2003 07:13 PM GMT

too true.

yvonne: lol, i will. ditto to your parents; hope to catch you during cny.

Posted by t @ 10/15/2003 09:01 PM GMT