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Still have yet to get a night of undisturbed sleep, and it'll be another week before I see that actually happening.

The Kokimo Factory was excellent, and between Api, Sarah and I, we spent almost $200 on candles and candles alone *smacks forehead* Got lost along the way, but thanks to Mapquest we got there and back in the end.

Today was spent sorting hotel bookings and credit card stuff before hitting the local malls for inspiration and shopping. Dinner at Marley's after picking up the girls was excellent, as expected. Played chess with Sarah before everyone (sans mom and sis) sat down and watched Chocolat. I thought it was pretty good *nods*

Anyway, that pretty much summed up the last two days or so; packing and leaving for Niagara Falls bright and early tomorrow.

Be good everyone (...and this means you, uncs! :P)

Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: disappointed
Random observation: there was an interesting walk that I forgot to mention....

Replies: 4 peanuts

gearing up for an S&M; party, aren't you? :D

Posted by myuu @ 10/19/2003 10:54 AM GMT

what has candles to do with s&m;?!

Posted by t @ 10/20/2003 08:36 PM GMT

Ignore him. He's got a lot of hidden fetishes I think...:p

Posted by A @ 10/20/2003 09:50 PM GMT


you would know, eh unc...? *winks*

Posted by t @ 10/20/2003 11:54 PM GMT