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"Hot damn!"

Well I'll be damned, I actually fixed the bloody thing!

*does a little dance*

I've got 10 minutes to kill before I run across the street to pick up the pizza; we're too lazy to cook today.

Was at Lansdowne Place again to exchange the tee mom bought; she forgot to check the size yesterday *shakes head* Good news is, Audrey managed to check out the Motorola walkie talkies and price 'em; we'll probably pick up a pair when we hit Scarborough tomorrow.

It sounds awful, but 3 more days and I'll be free, hiaks.

I love my family to death, but I need my alone time too.

Di, Punky and I stopped by DJ's to see how he was doing (and to borrow some stuff). He ended up telling us this really messed story about being mugged, ahahaha! He's a crazy boy, that one.

Anyway, I never mentioned this, but about two nights ago, everyone was just bumming in their rooms when we felt the ground (and the house) shake. PCs flickered on and off, but we blamed it all on the thunderstorm. I just found out today there was a mild earthquake at Lindsay (about 45 minutes away) and it was actually tremors from that.


Off to collect my pizzas.

Currently listening to: Coldplay's Shiver
Currently emotion: hungry
Random observation: foooood!

Replies: 3 peanuts

yay. heheheh I actually wrote that you came back from the dead ahhahah

Posted by Chris @ 10/22/2003 08:12 PM GMT

back from the dead eh? sounds pretty morbid to me ;)

Posted by t @ 10/23/2003 03:09 AM GMT

Kewlness!! Way to go, tiff! :D

Posted by ruth @ 10/25/2003 09:20 AM GMT