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"Shopaholics 'R' Us"
Looking at bills and receipts, I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified, so I think I'll laugh :P
The girls thought it was hilarious that I've shopped more in the last two weeks than I ever had in the last three years, and ditto with being out.
Have never spent so much money in my life!
Am munching on chocolate-covered almonds while mom and Audrey pack for their return home in the early AM tomorrow. It's a good thing Audrey came with nothing, because she's going back with a whole lotta things! Am wondering if she needs an extra box or two to pack all the junk she's bought, hiaks.
We took off early this morning for breakfast at Wimpy's before heading to Portage Place and No Frills for some last minute shopping. Bought a bunch of chocolates for the rugrats back home, and mom picked up some stuff for her friends. Just got in a little while ago, and we'll be heading up to campus so that mom can take a look around. After that will be a quiet dinner at home before they call it a night; they have to leave the house at 4am to catch their flight.
My conscience is talking its head off trying to make me feel bad about all that I should've and could've done to make their stay a more enjoyable one, but for once I'm ignoring it the best that I can, because I have nothing to be sorry for.
I have to live up to the name "spoiled brat" sometime.
Currently listening to: Chantal Kreviasuk's In This Life
Current emotion: settled
Random observation: Need a new mouse.