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"Had a bad day again..."
...ever heard that song by Fuel? Describes the day perfectly :P
Lost my wallet :/ Had to cancel everything; credits cards, bank cards. After searching the house frantically and turning everything upside down, called the car rental company, and the fuckers had it, and didn't call!
The guy who picked up the 'phone thought he'd be funny and crack jokes about using my cash and cards, having it, not having it. He's lucky I'm not in Toronto, or I'd go over and kick his ass for such a lousy sense of humour :P
They're mailing it out, but am feeling shitty about it all the same.
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckkkkkkkkk.
So damn frustrated.
Currently lsitening to: Vertical Horizon's One of You
Current emotion: pissed
Random observation: Should never have gotten out of bed this morning...