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"Random messages"
Not your mother or your teacher, not your conscience nor your ego booster.
You'll learn to deal with it just as I did.
Ken, if you see this, no, I didn't take off or block you or anything *grins* Something's screwy methinks.
WT <3 FS *does a little dance* Picking each other up along the way.
Dark are the days that shadow the soul.
Growing upleh.
Shean, you owe me an e-mail, pronto!
It never ceases to amaze me how some people lack absolute empathy.
1st of November coming up. 4 days and counting.
My last thought before I fall asleep, my first thought when I wake up.
"Sometimes I have to brace myself"
say goodbye and walk away
(can't seem to let go).
I have a bottle of wine and lots of vodka. think I'll go drink now.
Currently listening to: Robbie Williams' Angels
Current emotion: .
Random observation: logic schmogic.
Replies: 2 peanuts
garrets contribution: "It was a woman who drove me to drink. Too bad I never had the decency to stop and thank her."
Posted by garret @ 10/28/2003 07:23 PM GMT
lmao. damn right you should've thanked her!
Posted by t @ 10/28/2003 09:57 PM GMT