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"Conversation with god"

So what's the deal with life anyway?

Some people say it is what you make of it. Others say that I determine your future, or prefer to call it Fate.

What's your answer?

I say it's what you believe or think it to be.

Which means...?

Go figure.

Are you telling me there's no answer?!

Ever since you people discovered the scientific age, all you ever want and expect are definite answers with logical and plausible reasons made comprehensible by your minute and self-serving minds. When will you ever learn to realize that there are too many options, too many opinions and too many beliefs to ever narrow it down to a thousand, let alone one definite answer? Life is not a math question or equation that you can study to obtain the best and only result. To do that would require an extremely large ego (which many of you have, by the way), and even then that would only be an assumption.

What's wrong with an assumption? We generalize all the time.

Haven't you heard, to assume is to make an ass out of you and me? Generalizations help us pigeon-hole others, arranging them into categories that we're comfortable with, leading us to act accordingly to such pre-conceived ideas.


The way you look and react to life has been explained in part by your studies in sociology and psychology. Any and every experience leads to a completely unique yet universal life. Do I sound like I'm speaking in riddles?

Damn right!

Shush. You people! Always so bloody impatient. And always, always looking for that one singular answer. You haven't been listening at all have you?

I have! But you asked me a question, so I answered!

It was a rhetorical question *KOK!*




The separation of good and evil is all relative.

By the sounds of it, every damn thing is relative!

Pretty much.



You do realize this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever?

It's all relative... *starts to whistle*


Try that question another time. Next?

Okay, so why?

Because people do stupid thing at stupid times. No, scratch that, people do stupid things all the bloody time! But they'll get their just desserts. One day.


We can hope.

So there's a heaven and hell?

It's all here on earth, kiddo.



This is turning into a farce eh?

Damn right.

You swore!

Meh :P hurry up, I'm tired. Any more questions?

Tell me a divine secret.

god listens to soca, and jesus likes to party!


god has a sense of humour, even if you don't.

Ha ha. So very funny.

I try.

What's up, god?

Cookies, nuts and chocolates. But that's just a personal preference.

Okay, this conversation has degenerated into nothing.

...and from nothing we gain something.

Last words?

Be kind.


Oh, and someone loves you. Really.

Replies: 4 peanuts

Hey there girlie. I am starting to worry about you. Just reading this i can totally see you having this coversation with yourself. My other choices are me and punky, b/c the three of us are just crazy that way. Just wanted to say that we miss you and i hope that everything is going well

Posted by Princess Sarah @ 12/04/2024 05:21 PM GMT

hey hun, sorry for not writing, i know i suck. It's a good thing i have this place to keep you ladies updated ;P

...and yes, I can see us having this conversation in the middle of the night while putting off schoolwork, hehe.

I miss you girls.

Hope you're all keeping each other in check and not planning to buy a car with my money ;P

Posted by t @ 12/06/2024 04:52 PM GMT

god does not go *kok*!!



Posted by steph @ 12/08/2024 03:11 AM GMT


Posted by god @ 12/09/2024 11:51 AM GMT