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I don't remember the last time I updated, I don't remember where I left off. Doubts permeate the brain of any chance that I've been the slightest bit productive, but insomniac moments have struck again, rendering me useless till noon every other day.
I don't think I'm complaining.
Somewhere in the past two weeks I had two excellent lunches with Merv, ragging each other and just plain catching up. Also caught Matrix Revolutions (without watching Reloaded first) with the guys and Sue in tow, and spectacular effects aside, I was glad to see those schmucks die. Or something.
After liquor-shopping and our bkt session, I don't think I've seen sooks much, but we had a decent afternoon at Dome's Bangsar today, what with my craving for yummy chicken and mushroom pie. We both agreed that my parking skills are seriously lacking, but hey, it's the end results that count, right? Right?!
Fine, laugh all you want, but I still managed to park my car decent, hmph.
I'm telling you, it's all paranoia.
Finished reading Elizabeth Wurtzel's Prozac Nation today. sooks took off a little past 5, my cell phone was dead and I didn't want to face the traffic, so I picked up a Mango Citrus frapp and chilled with my books till 7-ish at Starbucks. That book's a total mindfuck (and that curse just cost me 20 cents!). Have already started on Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence, and I'm waiting for sooks to be done with Kitchen Confidential so that I can steal it off her.
Among other news, Sharon will be back for Christmas this Saturday, Norman on the 17th, and if I'm not mistaken, Shean on the 15th? Either way, the gang (sadly, minus Agnes, who's still stuck in Melbourne) will be reunited after a break of 2 years, I think. Wicked ;D
Shao Yi's back from her trip to Cambodia with her mom and brother, so I spent over three hours just talking and chilling with her. While trying to explain the incomprehensible mess that is a mind, Theseus and the Minatour whispered their secrets. The thread, the darkness and the maze that is the Labyrinth, they all play a part in such a dance with death, a preoccupation with that window, the fascination with the morbid.
I love a good metaphor, strong coffee and excellent company. Thanks for all three, Shao.
There was an afternoon which I took off to MPH's just to read, and Andrew, Rudy and Merv joined me at Chilli's after for dinner. It was nice to see them, and I got lost in the mall for a while after. Never was a fan of that stupid place :P
Visited Pei Yee and Seng Wee last night with my brother; they tied the knot a few weeks back, and their new place is really nice. Am still deciding if I like the sofa or Bobby, the puppy they picked up from PAWS, more, hehe. I'm thinking of stopping by the place with some cookies for the volunteers and something for the animals. Here's hoping my little financial fiasco will settle soon so that I can do just that.
What else?
Let's see... there was a huge family gathering last Sunday to celebrate my aunt's 72nd birthday, and to prove that my family's not big enough, my dad introduced me to my great-great grand aunt who's still alive and kicking.
Wah. No joke, that.
Am slowly thinking about job-hunting, but with everyone offering me crap money and my workaholic tendencies, I've yet to decide on anything concrete.
In between lunches, dinners and good old yum cha sessions, I can usually be found helping the parents out or spending time with family, from being the (hell) driver to shopping for groceries and stuff.
It's not just raining, it's freaking pouring at times, but the monsoon season should be over soon, and then we'll be whining about how bloody hot and humid it is. Colin and Audrey are both down with the flu, and I'm not far behind. Welcome home Tiffy.