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"Argh! My eyes!"
No, I didn't come across porn :P
The monsoon's almost over, and with that, the return of dusty yet humid weather, which means my sensitive eyes feel as if someone stuck a burning stick or two right in 'em.
I'm blinking, not batting my non-existent lashes at you, dumbass.
Came *this* close to committing an act of vandalism last night, hmph. Dinner with sooks fell through, was late in meeting with Shean but I managed to catch episodes 7 and 8 of Friends so all was not lost.
My lack of respect has everything to do with your behaviour and nothing to do with the fact that you're an elder. In the paraphrased words of Punky, somedays I'd like to shoot you, or me, whoever was closer.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Wasted
Current emotion: uncomfortable
Random observation: If I scrunch my eyes real tight, I can see stars!