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"A late Christmas wish"
It's been quiet this year.
We've done away with the celebration and party, choosing instead to leave town for Ipoh with my aunts, cousins, nieces and nephew for a day of, well, eating. We also stopped by Teluk Batik so the kids could have some fun by the beach.
I tried to do some last minute shopping on Christmas eve, but I had to cancel. Ended up spending the day at the bank and being stuck in traffic. Reminiscent of last year's rush home with sooks, except that this time I wasn't at the SS15 roundabout :P Oh yeah, and I wasn't listening to Boney M ;D
Am almost done with Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential, and sooks is right; it's a brilliant read.
Just another Christmas down the drain.
As late as this may be, Merry Christmas, everyone.