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"(No) sex, drugs, (but lots of) alcohol"
New Year's eve was better than I expected.
After a busy morning of cleaning house, the cousins sat down for a super-long mahjong session which lasted till late evening, punctuated by dinner and Zoe's feeding schedule. I won enough money to pay for a bunch of mixes which I picked up from Carrefour, and the family sat down for drinks.
At the stroke of midnight, I cracked open the bottle of apple-infused vodka I had specially made (thanks to sooks' recipe) and everyone toasted the new year. We wiped it out pretty quick, and soon I had to bust out the Absolut Mandrin and peach schnapps as the jokes got raunchier and the laughter louder and more maniacal.
Madness runs in the family, as does the thirst for alcoholic beverages ;D
Hangover-free and chirpy the next day, it was lunch with Levin, Alice and Audrey before a coffee and ciggie break (for them) at Starbucks. We ended up bumming till late evening before dinner with Levin's parents in downtown KL. For the first time in years I had yee sang, and aside from the salmon, the meal was excellent. We wrapped up the night with more mahjong and a mamak session with several cousins.
Shean functioned as my alarm clock this morning, and we met up with Norman, Kai and co. in Damansara for some good food and loads of laughs. Migrated to Norman's to check out his graduation photos and meet up with Shahnon (finally!) before he leaves for Waterloo tomorrow.
Am thinking of stopping by Carrefour later to pick up more apples and some other stuff for the house. Have to drive another load of furniture to Colin's too, meh.
No resolutions this year, just a hope and a prayer that all will be well soon enough, for everyone.
Replies: 6 peanuts
Happy New Year Dear GF :D I h ope you are doing well. GET ON AIM :P
Posted by Chris @ 01/03/2024 05:46 PM GMT
hmn, i wonder when uncle az going to take us to TGIF. :)
Posted by myuu @ 01/05/2024 06:15 AM GMT
glad to see that you had a great new years eve. I hope everything is going well for you.
Posted by princess @ 01/05/2024 11:23 PM GMT
how do you make apple-infused vodka?
Posted by joyce @ 01/06/2024 03:15 AM GMT
Posted by BAH! @ 01/08/2024 12:19 AM GMT
chris: happy new year ;D
myuu: by the looks of it, never ;P
sarah: hey! I know I suck for not writing, but I promise to do it soon. Really. Take care yah?
joyce: fuzzy gave me a recipe but I messed with it a bit. 1 green apple and 1 red/fuji apple, cut into tiny chunks (with skin). Discard core. Drop the apples in a jar and cover it with about 750ml of vodka. Reduce about 2/3rds cup of apple juice to about 5 tablespoons (depending on how sweet or watered down you want the finished product to be) and let the concoction sit for 3 days before straining the vodka and throwing the apples away. Drink up! ;D
s: booyah! :P
Posted by t @ 01/09/2024 04:01 AM GMT