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This site feels almost alien to me.

Not dead, not dying, just trying to survive hectic moments days before Chinese New Year while helping my cousin out in her so-damn-bloody-far office and facing horrific traffic conditions every single day.

Welcome to my world.

As much as I wish I had a third of the internet time I had back in Canada, there is just too much to do and too many obligations to fulfill, too many bills to pay and not enough sleep that would allow me to meander along in my dreary life rambling on pseudo-philosophically about the being and living of everydayness.

Yes, I've resorted to semi-creating my own lingo as I stare at the screen through sleep-deprived eyes with bags so dark you'd swear I had war paint on. Or something.


I've been so far behind in my mailing it's not even funny, and I felt even shittier when Anne's cards and photos found its way to my mailbox, my actual physical mailbox, not the damn e-mail one, and there was a picture of me and Asha squashed on Kayla's bed back in second year, hiding under the covers from what I thought was the rest of the world (until Anne came in and took the damn picture!).

Dear Anne,

I am the suckiest friend alive, but I wanted to thank you so much for the card and the pictures. It totally brightened up my day, and all I could do was grin like the idiot that I am while thinking of rez moments.

I will email this soon. Really. I think. Uhm...


Now, if only I could access my email account to send that.

That was a lousy e-mail, wasn't it?


It's not the first time I complained about what a sucky correspondent I was.

A'ight, a'ight, enough whining. What the hell have I been up to? Let's see... well, the swear jar which worked pretty damn well when I was back in Canada has failed me pretty miserably here. 10 days and RM27.80 later, I've come to the conclusion that Malaysian traffic does not permit me to speak in a civilized and polite manner. Instead, it encourages me to sputter incoherent little bursts of oddities in reference to people's mothers, certain activities and family lineage in a jumble of English, Malay, Cantonese and Hokkien.

I love being multi-lingual (in swearing at least).

My boss just came back, and I have work to do.

Wait ha...

Have an R&R; to file.


Let's see. There were a couple of major family dinners that were brilliant (booze, lots of booze!), my aunt passed away (hence my second funeral in less than a month), lots of running and driving around, and practically no yumcha sessions.

It's been a busy few weeks.

Highlights include my new camera which has rendered me penniless (but I don't care), meeting up with old classmates who I haven't seen since '98, staying up till the early AM with my cousins and catching up on old DVDs.

sooks and I finally caved in and bought the Canon Ixus I, also known as the SD10, in black. It's a wicked little thing with more functions than I know what to do with, and I love it!

Anyway, I have to take off and do more last minute shopping for the house. If I don't get back in time, Happy Chinese New Year y'all. It's my first time celebrating in 4 years, and you can bet I'm excited as hell ;D

Replies: 10 peanuts

tiffyyyyyy you ARE alive! we were wondering where the hell you've been! and yes, that email to anne was quite sad, but i'm sure she'll understand you've been m.i.a. for so long...so sorry to hear about your aunt, but glad to hear you're keepin busy and enjoying your booze, good girl =D sarah and i "enjoyed" some tequila shots at tacsu on friday (yes, i'm basically emailing you on here...=P) and have a wonderful chinese new year!! oh yeah, the leases came WE GET DIGITAL CABLE NEXT YEAR!!! di was sad, and screamed lol they have to be in before feb 15, so hopefully you can get online and we can figure something out... take care sweetheart! *hugs*

Posted by punky @ 01/20/2004 11:53 AM GMT

Hey girl. Its nice to finally hear from you. We here in Canada have been wondering where the hell you went. Anyways glad to hear that you bought a new camera, i can't wait to see it. We'll be able to take some great pictures when ya come back. I miss ya lots hun. Hope that your enjoying the warm weather now. Its soooooooo cold here that me and punky didn't got out at all on weekend. Now thats really cold b/c you know me. Hope to hear from you sooner.
Take care

Posted by Sarah @ 01/20/2004 08:31 PM GMT

welcome to the ixus club. can i borrow your charger? :D

Posted by myuu @ 01/21/2004 11:42 AM GMT

the world is an echo.

Posted by s @ 01/23/2004 08:52 PM GMT

If I had a swear Jar like you tiff, I would be begging on the streets. haha! i think you should have a clean mouth jar. For everytime you say a sentence without swearing.. you save the money that GOES into your swear jar! haha! I am a genius i know. Anyways, happy new year and hope to see you soon!

Posted by Marianne @ 01/24/2004 12:44 PM GMT

my last week of freedom before i succumb to underpaid slavery. lets go crystal shopping sometime.

cny update: cousin came, cousin gone and i'm broke from going out both nights. didn't lose any money because i refrained from gambling but didn't have much to lose anyway.. poor angpow collection this yr.


btw they say this yr is good for us chickens.

speaking of which, i am probably a suckier friend than you because i didn't call. and i saw irene, jackie and tse wei in bar savanh on friday and only managed to say hi for about 5 minutes before resuming my imbibing. and vivien cheam called and i didn't call back. and the only time i smsed diana was to get tse wei's number. and i didn't call fay yin before she left.


there is a reason, though:


Posted by sookie @ 01/25/2004 01:05 PM GMT

does it help I am half alive??

Posted by Chris @ 01/25/2004 11:32 PM GMT

Great Site

Posted by Online CASINO @ 01/29/2004 03:53 AM GMT

so some fucking assholes grabbed up katrien.ORG when i wasnt aware that it was expired (it had been expired for a month, but still 'pending delete' which i was told would last for 2 months by joker.com who are the biggest bunch of dicks ive come across yet...well, close to it, at least.
so now some fucking moron has .ORG until 2005. **** them. so, i have www.katrien.NET and that's going to remain as i will renew it in advance next time.
not that it matters, haha. still no real content.

Posted by me @ 01/30/2004 11:07 AM GMT

punky & sarah: ladies! long email in the mailbox ;D *hugs to you both, and an extra for di* I don't get enough hugs in this country damnits.

rudy: 'course you can silly. you just have to wait till the 12th, cause my sister took it to nepal ;D

s: "echo, echo...we come and we go...", or so goes the song.

marianne: lol, that you are! but i'm not so potty mouthed that i swear more than I speak clean (at the moment that is!) Cheers chica *hug*

sooks: ehh, i define "underpaid"! lol. I'll see you for lunch tomorrow lady.

chris: one of us has gotta be alive damnits, heh. Happy cny!

s: you have content *pokes* and we'll find the idiot who took .org and smack em. or something. hehe.

Posted by t @ 02/04/2024 12:49 PM GMT