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"Jump in, jump out."
It's February.
As usual, I have five minutes before I gotta bounce, and it's usually down to my last five minutes that I log in here 'cause I spend most of my time clearing my mailbox of spam and replying what little real e-mails I receive, or trying to anyway.
The fifteen days of Chinese New Year are almost over, and all gambling and late nights aside, I am pleased to report no major wins or losses this year. The Tiffy Gambling Market Exchange has been relatively stable, and little red packets stuffed with cash have helped ease my financial burden.
I sent a super long e-mail to my ladies back in Canada, and I'm so glad I wrote that two days ago because damn! I had a lot to say!
I hope everyone and anyone who actually checks this bloody thing has been nothing short of great, and as little as I may log on or write, it doesn't mean I think of you any less: you're always in my thoughts. Really. (...because I think too much mah.. ;D)
Okay, five minutes almost up. Post and publish, here I come.
Replies: 7 peanuts
Hey tiffy, its nice to hear from you. I was starting to wonder what was going on. Thanks a ton for your e-mail. Glad that you had a good new year. Take care and we'll talk soon
Posted by Sarah @ 02/05/2024 05:25 PM GMT
she's alive! yay!
Posted by shen @ 02/06/2024 08:15 AM GMT
sarah: hope to catch ya online soon :)
shen: lol, thanks ;P
Posted by t @ 02/08/2024 04:54 AM GMT
u haven't replied mine...! :/
then again, i suppose there is a reason.. although in some ways i really don't wanna know what the reason is. hmmm. ah well.
hope all's well and fine back in good ol' malaysia.
take good care *Hugs*
Posted by lisa @ 02/08/2024 10:14 AM GMT
hot damn, where the hell have you been girl?! I haven't received an email from you since october, and I KNOW I sent a couple in nov/dec! where did you send it to?
*hug* hope all is well with ya.
Posted by t @ 02/08/2024 10:44 AM GMT
i sent a pretty long one to you a couple of weeks after i arrived in scotland.. or maybe it was a month. sent it to [email protected]. i think. i am sorry i didn't get any from you either. well, anyway.. that e-mail was long, like i said... but i don't think i saved it. anyway, i suppose there was a reason why it didn't get to you.
i'm doing alright, thanks. loads have happened.
good to know you are back home. hope all is well with you too.
Posted by lisa @ 02/11/2023 05:11 PM GMT
I received an email letting me know that you were there, which I replied to in three separate emails. I pretty much gave up writing after no replies. Anyway, I re-forwarded the emails to you, so I hope you'll get them this time.
Posted by t @ 02/12/2023 05:03 AM GMT