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"Happy day mama"
"...come alive come alive, watch the city go by, turn me up, turn me up turn me up turn me uppp..."
It's been a long time since I wondered around with only two hours sleep in my system, but it was fun while it lasted. Bummed in the office doing light paper work and random surfing. Checked out the night market nearby after work and bought pirated copies of Jason Mraz's and Linkin Park's albums for a steal of RM10. I guess location really does matter.
An e-mail from Punky made me grin from ear to ear for a long while, so much so that my cousin thought I lost my mind, hehe. After all, I'm known for laughing to myself at the oddest moments, as my roommates will testify :P Thanks Punkila!
"Are you lucid? Drug induced? Through bloodshot eyes the city come alive come alive come alive...ah, how wonderful you are..."
Was vegging out today. Merv came by in a bid to escape horrible traffic, and we chilled for a bit. Joined him and the guys in Bangsar later, and we drove to Bandar Utama via the newly opened Penchala Link Highway, just to see what it looked like, lol. In all truth, the guys wanted to see where the road led and familiarize themselves with it. As for me, I'm as blur as ever, but what else is new? I thought the tunnel looked pretty neat though, and we plan to check it out again tomorrow, this time armed with cameras, yay!
"Outside, you feel like you were born with a 'Kick Me' sign taped permanently to your back..."
I've got a bunch of things to do, which is odd, seeing as I'm not supposed to have anything on my agenda for the next two months (or the past three, for that matter).
Amazing. Audrey's been on this "New Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre" marathon since 11am. It's now 2.30am and she's still going strong. You've just got to love 80's chinese dramas, lol. Slightly reminiscent of Hindi movies, minus the dance moves and constant costume changes. They sing once in a while though :P
"Are you listening? Are you breathing? Give me something, I can believe in, 'cause you give me soul, illuminating everything..."
Mum says I'm so damn blur 'cause I stay up all night. Pffft.
I've got to stop listening to Better Than Ezra's "Happy Day Mama" on repeat.
*hums along*
Replies: 3 peanuts
always glad to be of service =D and it's definitely true about you laughing to yourself... i just hope you didn't fall off the chair this time.... lol
Posted by punky @ 02/18/2004 02:16 PM GMT
hey tiffy, we got your letter. Your so crazy, but we still all love you. Glad to hear things are going well. Laugh as loud and as hard as you want. I don't think your crazy :)
Posted by Sarah @ 02/23/2004 07:23 PM GMT
Where are you at little one? I've tried to mail you but only the big emptiness called void answers me. A million hugses I send your way, for use when you need or just for safe keeping.
Love and Care
// Big brother
Posted by Big brother @ 02/25/2004 07:11 AM GMT