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"Par-tay? Par-tay!"
Where did I leave off?
Oh yeah, the day after that mad trip to check out the Penchala Link.
Taking pictures didn't happen. I passed out early; we were doing something all day that kept me real busy (if only I could remember what...). Friday and we were off to Ipoh to visit my uncle, eat, and maybe pray. Food is mad cheap and yummy if you know where to find it, and my cousins and I stuffed ourselves silly between bouts of sleeping, checking out local highlights (we saw the ruined set of Anna & the King), shopping and praying. I took lots of pictures, yeh.
Drove back on Sunday afternoon, only to congregate at Levin's later that night for Basil's bachelor party. 4 hours and 5 bottles of vodka later, SC's arms were wrapped around a pail, three others had passed out and Basil, AL and I were chilling with a cooler and some beer.
Warm vodka is nasty shit.
Up bright and early Monday, chilled with cousins till late. After lunch and cleaning up, it was off to Red Box for a karaoke session. My cousins are a scream ;D
Tuesday was "work" day, but I only stuck around for a couple of hours, as I'd promised to spend some time with my brother. We baked (well, he baked; I watched tv) and yakked till late. He was making tonnes of desserts for his birthday party the following day. Two carrot cakes, two tiramisus, flourless chocolate cupcakes, three jellies, two pastry puff/cream/lychee things and a bread pudding later, we called it a night.
My car's ABS screwed up on me, so it was off to the workshop to get it checked before driving my aunts around and buying last minute foodstuff.
The ladies called ;D ;D ;D
Half an hour went by in a blink of an eye, but we had so much yet so little to say to one another. I miss my roomies; we're crazy, but at least we're crazy together. I was glad to hear that everyone was doing good, and hopefully I'll be seeing them soon.
The clan started arriving a little past seven, and Steve added a 4kg banana chocolate cake to the list of desserts. Everything else was the usual on the menu; curry, fried noodles, wings, etc.
Today I woke up late and am sitting by myself in the office, not even attempting to be useful.
Saturday's wedding day, but dad and I will be missing the church ceremony as we have to take care of the store. The cousins have a room in the hotel in preparation for our night of excesses; it is imperative that we imbibe in as much alcohol as possible before March. Or something.