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"Incubus, Pure White, Elections"
Incubus is coming! Excited? Maybe just a little. Shean and I headed to the KL Equestrian Club to check out the venue this afternoon; by the looks of it, parking is going to be a bitch, and the others are still hemming and hawing, so no conclusion yet.
Thanks to sooks, I get to play with booze and be paid in the process! Details later. I had an impromptu dinner at Chilli's with her after god knows how long, and we spent some time catching up over a margarita, salad and chilli.
As for elections, well, it's here. People will do and say anything to gain a vote, from inferring that you'll go to hell if you vote for the other to re-paving roads to get on your good side.
Vodka trivia of the day:
"Vodka was originally known as "the water of life" from the similar word for water in both Russian and Polish, the countries from where the drink is originated."
Things to do, people to see.
Replies: 2 peanuts
Hello little one. We all miss you back here in Canada. Just wondering when your coming back. Thanks for the little "trivia of the day" I'm proud to say that I'm part Polish, woohooo for "the water of life".
Posted by sarah @ 03/11/2023 07:51 PM GMT
sarahlalalala! I think I'll be back mid-April; cross your fingers! will write again soon; have a shitload of stuff to do, but I'll keep y'all posted. Haha, yay for polish people!
Posted by t @ 03/12/2023 12:08 PM GMT