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I smell like booze. My kitchen smells like booze. Heck, everything just reeks. But you can bet I had fun infusing 11 bottles of liquor ;D
Where do I even start? Hell, I hate these long breaks in between, because I always end up musing about the same damn thing over and over and getting nowhere even as I'm counting the minutes and seconds I have left to blog before something dies on me (as they are always apt to do). Good thing my dogs ain't dead yet :P
So yeah, Incubus concert. I was impressed, to say the least. They sounded real and they sounded good. Managed to take a few short videos and a decent shot of Brandon Boyd, rah ;D 'twas a pity they played the entire new album with only a popular track or two in between. "Just A Phase" and "I Wish You Were Here" were simply awesome; I think a tear or two tracked down my cheek (or maybe it was sweat, I dunno). The 8000-strong crowd was insane, and being the psycho that I am, I left the guys three songs into the concert and literally elbowed my way to the front for a couple of pictures. Suffice to say, short people shouldn't be allowed at these events, because I almost choked and passed out from the stench, eew. I feel dizzy just thinking about it.
It was Wan Yee's and Vivien's birthdays last week, so before I forget, Happy Birthday y'all ;D No whacks and no abuse for 24 hours, check!
Alice is gone, so we're pretty much recuperating. Spent two weekends at Genting Highlands, managed to get a tan of sorts (but it's already fading, blah) and I've been busy taste-testing a variety of alcohol-infused foods for my little project that will be explained later, much, much later.
My ladies sent me a card! *feels special!* Oh yeah, and a couple of Listerine Pocket Packs (so bloody addictive). Thanks ladies *hug*
Among other things, my brother loves me. He really really loves me. The proof lies within two huge slices of strawberry pie that's sitting in the fridge with my name on it ;D
Spent another 50 bucks at Ikea. I should be banned from that store.
Back to the booze.
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Learning to Breathe
Current emotion: lucid
Random observation: loads of pictures, but no time or place to put 'em.