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Me = parents' driver ;D
Drove my parents to work, brought food out for mom, picked daddy up for lunch, sent him back to work, took them out for dinner, drove them home... wah.
sooks came by today, and we had a good time yakkin' and stuff. Unfortunately, our evening had to be cut short 'cause I had to head over to Jaya with dad. Like I said, me = driver. However, I much prefer this status over that of a passenger any day :P
Anyway, as I was saying, sooks and I spent a good two hours just yakkin' away, and she's redesigning my site for me, yay sooks! ;D I can proudly say that it takes me the least effort to revamp this site, simply because sooks usually does all the work for me, lol! Hey, I'm HTML-stupid, alright? No, scratch that. I'm 'puter-stupid. So sue me. *phbt!*
Lucky me to have a 'puter-savvy pal like sooks *twirls around* You're the best, sooks ;D *hug!* So yah, to all two of you, expect some ups and downs with the site for a while.
I actually got my password mixed up, and gave sooks the wrong one *smacks forehead!* Stupid, stupid... *bonks head against wall* Bah humbug. Sorry, sooks!
Oh, you know what? I was swimming yesterday, and I found myself comparing swimmers in their lanes with cars on the highway, hiaks! *scratches head* I really don't know wtf is wrong with me. Too much of Driving 101 from dad and Audrey, maybe ;) I find that I'm much more confident at the wheel without constant instructions from Audrey and dad. True, they're both really experienced drivers (dad's been driving for 35 years, while Audrey's been at it for 8) but honestly now, the barrage of orders they dish out just makes me want to drive all the way to Tanjung Harapan and check myself in :P (Tanjung Harapan's the infamous local mental institute, hehe).
Haiyah, we deal. *grins*
Sharon left for .ca today. Have a safe flight, take care, and keep in touch, girl *hug* We miss you already.
Currently listening to: Blue's If You Come Back
Current emotion: full *burp*
Random observation: I've been eating mangoes every day for the past 3 weeks, eek.