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"Front and centre, pronto!"
What's new, world?
This shall be posted tomorrow, when I can actually log on.
Am watching "Aaahh! Real Monsters" while waiting for Audrey to come home. Haven't been watching much tv lately, as I've been preoccupied with reading books from my childhood, working on a scrapbook and learning to play the guitar.
I finally moved upstairs, and to be honest, it still takes some getting use to. Ever since I left for university, all my breaks back home have been spent in the spare room (usually used for storage) or the living room, so it's a little odd sleeping upstairs again. But I digress. Moving's fun ;D It reminds me of school and my compulsive rearranging of house furniture.
Popular Bookstore is having a clearance sale, so I bought part of Enid Blyton's St. Clare series. Also saw the hardcover edition of Nostradamus's predictions, but I won't be able to buy it till I pick up my cheque from Doreen. Have already used a chunk of my money on the family, and I still have my visa appication fees to contend with, blah. Bills, payments, yuck. I hope there's enough left over for my book.
The scrapbook's coming along decent. So far, two pages down, and about 16 more to go. Just developed another roll of film, this one taken just before I left .ca, and the pictures are crazy, hiaks. Even though I've yet to complete this phase is my life, it's been such a crazy ride that any and everything else would just be another kick in the guts, icing on the cake. Sorting through photos, trying to remember all that's happened then and in between.
Just started guitar lessons with Pei Yee today. It's hard, but I'm determined to master as much as I can before I leave. Considering that I've never touched any instrument before (unless you count the compulsory recorder lessons back in primary school), it's going to be, ah... interesting.
Here's crossing my fingers that I stick to it.
Gotta stop sleeping at 7am and waking up at 4...
Replies: 12 peanuts
tiffy! finally!!!! let us know if we can help you contact trent for real, that's so crazy that you haven't heard from them as yet.. email me details and i'll go in and kick some ass! =P glad to hear you're doin well hun good luck with your guitar lessons! things are complete madness here i dont' think any of us are prepared for this year to end and we can't wait for you to come back!! so get on that would ya! =) *huuuugs!*
Posted by punkila @ 04/05/2024 11:52 AM GMT
Hey girl, how's it going? I miss you! Take care.
Posted by shazzie shaz @ 04/06/2024 08:43 PM GMT
im waiting patiently for tiff to return so I can teach her how to MAD SHRED on the guitar.
tiff, if you're /real/ lucky, I'll teach you how to beatbox and freestyle like you was straight out the ghett-oh! ;)
Posted by gt @ 04/07/2024 04:40 PM GMT
tiff, also, I dare you to dare me to turn Ghetto Ball into an actual mp3 tune ...
Posted by gt @ 04/07/2024 04:53 PM GMT
i dare you to dare her to too! lol and you'll have to showcase your beatboxing skillz when you come back, you and dj can jaaaam lol =P
Posted by punky @ 04/07/2024 05:19 PM GMT
hey tiffy. I just wanted to let you know that I'm moving home tomarrow for the summer. Sorry that we couldn't see each other before the summer. anyways I hope that everything goes well for you and that you have a safe trip back to Canada. Call me sometime b/c i don't know when i'll be on the net again, i hate dial-up. Anyways take care and i miss you. Talk with u later.
Posted by Sarah @ 04/08/2024 06:15 PM GMT
heya chee mui *hug*
nothing's wrong with my stomach, thank God, no ulcers, etc. but i had one heck of an ordeal when the scope was done on me... sedation didn't work for me, and well, i basically went through the whole procedure wide awake.. it was hell! crazy.. pretty traumatised by the whole thing.. am down with a bad sore throat (from the scraping of the equipment on my throat wall) and painful stomach muscles from the hacking and coughing when the equipment was down my throat! :( just my luck. hope all's well. *hug*
Posted by lisa @ 04/08/2024 09:06 PM GMT
hello to miss tiff.
i tried to email back! i got a "delay of email" notice returned to me...then i got a "failure" motice! miss tiff! missssssss!! i tried i did....i sent it again...then i got ANOTHER delay notice....so, i dont know if you got it yet? or if you will? missssssssssssss!!!
living is easy with eyes closed misunderstandingall you see its gettinghard to besomeonebut itsallright thatisithinkimightbeme.
Posted by mean mr. mustard @ 04/10/2024 01:22 AM GMT
ok seriously where are you, your bank called again this weekend..... i'm calling you tomorrow, forget this silliness! =P
Posted by punky @ 04/12/2023 01:37 AM GMT
miss tiff!! i say HELLO to you!.
an exclamation point followed by a period makes me happy!. right now, at least.
Posted by s @ 04/13/2004 01:41 AM GMT
*finally* I get to log online!
punky!! you crazy girl, thanks so much for calling; it was great to hear from ya ;D got my bank stuff sorted, so all is well atm. I'll be seeing you soon yah?
sharon: hey chica, hope that things are going well for you; good luck with finals! will tty soon.
gt: ahaha! you have more faith than I do when it comes to playing the guitar ;P And oh hell yeah, I double dare you to turn ghettoball into an actual mp3!
sarah: hey hun, sorry I missed ya; anyway, I hope to catch ya sometime over summer anyhow. let's not be strangers a'ight ;P will definitely call when I get back.
lisa chee mui! sorry to hear that things have be shitty, but hey, no ulcers, yay! I'll catch ya before I leave for sure.
s: i got your email ;D thanks fella, my mailbox is a little crazy I know. and you're not mean *smacks*
argh, thunderstorms. will be back later.
Posted by t @ 04/13/2004 06:19 AM GMT
me, i am. :(
Posted by - @ 04/14/2004 02:30 PM GMT