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"Prep & props"

It's that time again where I start packing and planning to get my ass back to good old Canada. Have a list of things to get done, and I'm crossing my fingers that it'll all work out, blah.

Haven't been able to access a computer, let alone the internet, for numerous reasons. The story of my life, hiaks. For the moment, the only request I have is to bring home loads of coffeetea for the girls. I don't fancy lots of luggage this year, and the essentials are books, my new guitar, camera and clothes. I have to get my visa and passport renewed, see some people and pay off some bills. Oh yeah, and get my ticket. Musn't forget that.

In the past few months, I've discovered that bumming truly is an art form. Just because you're supposed to be free 24/7 doesn't mean that you're really free. People call for all sorts of reasons, and the next thing you know, you're buried up to your neck in more errands and work and stuff than any 9 - 5 job can offer, plus you don't get paid.

Ah, money.

Completely lacking in it, since my funds travel on a one way street towards Nothing. In stupid determinance to not rely on my parents, the sure but steady decline of my life's savings makes me want to either swear off the outside world (it's evil and it makes you spend!) or rob a bank. No, really. Just kidding. Really.

Or something.

So yes, I have my own guitar. Why, how, when? It all boiled down to a silly moment of miscommunication, and I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't want to buy one just yet, as she was so pleased and proud with the purchase. As such, I gritted my teeth, handed over the money and I'm still currently learning to master plucking strings the right way. It's going to be a long, longgggg time before I master this, if my current lessons are proof of anything. But hey, I will persevere! (And if I'm a dismal failure, I'll just sit back and be entertained by Garret's production of Ghettoball in form of an mp3 ;D).

I've been trying to alter my perspective a little, and so far, I'd like to think that it's been working out. Treats for loved ones are good, treats for self are great. Yes I deserve that new CD, and a big "hell yeah!" to dining experiences (even better when had with family and friends). Memorable meals that come to mind include the Amarin Thai experience with uncle Azuan, three separate Chili's moments with sooks, the family and Lisa, and that recent dinner at Dome's with Sue, Wan Yee and Rudy. Props to excellent company!

I think I've done a whole lot this break, from working in a law firm to catering a liquor event, attending both weddings and funerals in the span of 2 months, typing letters for an engineering company, playing bartender to a bachelor party, babysitting, chauffeuring, etc. For the first time in four years, I celebrated Chinese New Year at home, and I got to visit my grandparents' grave for Qing Ming. I got to go to bed at 7am and wake up at 4 without anyone yelling at me, watched national elections with a clue (my first time ever!), saw Incubus live (!!), made and sold a choker that took me two days to weave, and who could forget that crazy trip to Penang with some excellent people? ;D

Anyway, this should tide y'all over until I go about my usual "oh man I'm leaving and I'll miss y'all" post. Or maybe I won't, hah!

"We put the fun back in 'dysfunctional'!"

P/S: Thanks for keeping me stuck at home with 5 seasons of Friends, Mung. Much appreciated!

Note to self:
Train's When I Look To The Sky
Josh Groban's You Lift Me
Javier's Crazy
Maroon 5's This Love
Robbie Williams' Sexed Up
Blue feat. Stevie Wonder's Signed, Sealed, Delivered