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Waiting for the Admissions Department to issue a much needed letter for my application for both passport and travel/student visa was a true test of patience (which I lack), good faith (which I also lack) and prayers (both fervent and desperate). Not to mention walking into a wall or two for lack of sleep, seeing as I had to correspond with these people in the middle of the night while functioning as usual in the day :P But they finally came through, and I managed to get all my paperwork sorted two days before I left (talk about living on the edge ;P). The people at the Canadian High Comm were, uhh, odd, to say the least. Maybe it's the air they breathe behind bullet-proof glass *shrug*
I shouldn't complain. After some bickering, they issued my visa within 2 hours (it was supposed to take 2 - 6 weeks!), hehe.
I had to bring back a large amount of anime for Di and her sisters, and I was ever so grateful to both Wan Yee and Merv who took the time to copy over 30 CDs in the span of a few hours because yours truly is a dimwit and informed everyone of her departure date 16 hours before takeoff.
*takes a bow* Thank you, thank you.
Haha, am such a nerd ;D
So yes, I am a nerd and an idiot, but my friends came through for me anyway.
sooks took half a day off work so that we could go crystal-shopping and hang out before I left. 'tis a pity we didn't drink as we said we would, but sooks assures me that bottle of vodka on her shelf will *probably* still be there when I come back, lol.
I got to see Lisa, Sue, Merv and Wan Yee the night before I left, as I had to pick up the CDs and drop off the banner I made for Merv's birthday surprise. Was rather disappointed that I couldn't see Shean and the rest, but as it was, I was running like a mad thing trying to put everything together thanks to a change in departure details.
Was up all night packing, and even then I was cutting it mighty close. Left a bunch of stuff on the floor, hurriedly locked up my bags and loaded them in the car, and before you know it, I was boarding the plane with my backpack, Bunny and a litre of vodka in tow ;D
Contrary to popular opinion, I did not booze throughout my flight to Canada *dirty look* No, instead, I watch Brother Bear and Love Actually and cried, bah. Stupid soppy movies with their stupid soppy endings...
All in all, it was a 23 hour flight with a three hour layover in Hong Kong. Got through immigration and waited for an hour before catching the shuttle to Peterborough, a trip that lasted 2 hours, ugh. So, umm, door to door, it took me a grand total of roughly 31 hours, which isn't bad at all, considering my last trip and about 48 hours of hell.
Barely three days to get over jet-lag before class started, yikes. Already saw a bunch of people, and I think I must be happy, because as I walked home yesterday evening from Traill College, I caught myself singing along to Vertical Horizon, hehe.
Spring rocks.
All in all, I think I had a good, good break, and I'm ready to dive back into the stresses of school and living again.
Currently listening to: Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved
Random observation: own skin.