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"Presentation: check!"

I was a brave, brave soul today, according to my classmates. The first sucker to do a presentation in our medieval romance class, especially since we just started four days ago, hiaks.

I think it went well :)

A little over time (more like completely!) but the class was so co-operative, I didn't have the heart to cut them off. Here's crossing fingers that the prof won't penalize me overmuch for that.

Life in the Patch so far is reminiscent of first year; lack of drama, lots of smiles, and most importantly, real learning.

Am kissing Shakespeare goodbye and checking out Mass Media & Society; will be sitting in on my first lecture next week to see how I like it before making a decision. Funnily enough, I never was a fan of the bard, even though I usually comprehend his texts and do a decent job at interpretation (or talking through my ass, whichever way you see it :P). Ah well.

I need sleep.

Currently listening to: Maroon 5's Must Get Out
Random observation: Need a cookie!