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"Beautiful letdown"
My writer's dead, I cleaned the house and have a semi-new layout for my site after 5 hours of slogging.
In a world full of bitter pain and bitter doubt
I was trying so hard to fit in, fit in,
until I found out
I don't belong here
I don't belong here
I will carry your cross and your song
but I don't belong...
It was a beautiful let down
when you found me here
Yeah for once in a blue moon I see everything clear
I'll be your beautiful let down
thats what I've ever been
and even if it costs my soul
I'll sing for free...
- Switchfoot's Beautiful Letdown
Suddenly discovering loads of good music ;D Was shopping with Punky two days ago, and I found Vertical Horizon's Everything You Want album and Switchfoot's Beautiful Letdown for a steal at Chumley's. They were brand new and dirt cheap, so I picked both up, yay!
Am very impressed with Maroon 5's Songs About Jane album. Didn't expect to like it as much as I do, heh. Too bad I left my pirated copy back in KL :/ Guess I'll just download stuff for the time being.
I broke the last of the three glasses I bought 2 year ago, hrm. Maybe it's not a bad thing.
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's On Fire
Random observation: Am collecting original CDs again.
Replies: 5 peanuts
oh nooooo the glass!! =(
Posted by punky @ 05/02/2024 01:47 PM GMT
Hey tiff....I have that album, its great (even my mom likes it). Anyways check out New way to be human by switchfoot. Its just as good =)
Posted by Kayla @ 05/02/2024 03:57 PM GMT
punky: sokay hun, tis just a glass after all. and look on the bright side; it wasn't that easy to clean in the first place! ;D
kayla!: yah, it's brilliant ;D I bought it at chumley's for 8.99, and it was still shrink wrapped and everything. is that an album or a song by the way? say hi to the parents for me! ;D
Posted by t @ 05/02/2024 09:32 PM GMT
Hey tiff.....its both ;)
Posted by Kayla @ 05/03/2024 09:21 AM GMT
ahahaha, okay, thanks Kayla ;D
Posted by t @ 05/03/2024 12:11 PM GMT