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I was ridiculously pissed to find that I had no paper whatsoever to print my assignment on, but thankfully, Bubba came to my rescue, yay Bubba! It was raining, but I hotfooted it to his place anyway, since I have to get this silly paper in by noon.
The landlord came by (second time in two days!) and this time, for no particular reason. I seem to remember somewhere in the lease which says he's suppose to notify us 24 hours in advance before showing up, that jerk. He woke me up and never really specified his reason for being around, huh. The good news is, I bugged him about the old fridge and TV, so hopefully he's going to do something about it. Our chances of getting a decent fridge seem pretty high, and he mentioned something about the stove, but I'm not raising my hopes too much just yet (for the stove anyway).
Spent a couple of hours downtown just walking around. Tea with Kris was postponed, as the poor girl is suffering from bronchitis. Walked into Chumleigh's (damn that place!) and found an old Take That CD I used to have which I was itching to buy. Also figured out the perfect present for my brother: the entire collection of original Mariah Carey albums ;P I don't think I bought anything for his birthday, so I guess this should suffice, even though it's going to set me back a pretty penny. Have to figure out which ones he has already though. I know I bought him two, at the very least.
Godamnit, Bitch is dying on me.
Currently listening to: Frank Sinatra's Strangers in the Night
Random observation: had a cookie; it's time for sleep.
Replies: 1 peanut
yeah joel's just too wacky.... wacky tabacky will mess you up! he's like the poster MAN for 'say no to drugs' but we're getting a new fridge?!?! sweeeeeet i hope that works out... and really, we won't be able to get any of our new channels with that piece of garbage tv so i hope that happens too! the stove is useable, our omlettes will just be thicker on one side lol hope classes are goin well babyt i'm reading this at work by the way, training session for laptop stuff... very boring.
Posted by punks @ 05/05/2024 10:17 AM GMT