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"Love actually"
The day started off crap. I had a lousy night's sleep, my paper wouldn't print and I missed the bus. Mass media was boring as hell, and the homework's slowly but surely starting to swamp me.
I was prepared to leave halfway through the medieval romance class so that I could get some sleep, but didn't in the end. We watched a short play performed in Middle English, and there was this little lady prancing about in tights and a robe, wielding (at different times) a bow and arrow, a plastic sword and a fake gold crown perched on her head, like an overgrown child playing dress up while speaking what seemed like a blend of Russian, German and French. In other words, it was gibberish to my unrefined ears. At the end of it, I couldn't decide if I wanted to laugh or cry. Nobody told me when I signed up for medieval romance that I had to learn a whole new bloody language!
In the aftermath of the dreadful film, I mumbled to myself, "I feel like I'm in a foreign country. Hey, I *am* in a foreign country!" My prof was not amused ;P
She did give me a lift home after class though, 'cause it was bitching cold.
I have a slight problem with this class. It's interesting as hell, but all this talk about courtly love and love in general makes me want to either laugh out loud or grimace, something which isn't all that appreciated by my oh-so-serious classmates who tear everything down to minute detail. It's barely been two weeks, but already I had to point out the fact that the lais weren't the creation of Marie de France, it's just stories that were handed down from generation to generation. And then we have these super-intellectuals trying to dissect the reason for one lay being so much longer and more detailed than another. Hello kawan, isn't there the slightest possibility that the story just is? That since it's a folktale, some are just more detailed than others? That there isn't always necessarily a Freudian reason to everything, and that yes, the stuff we're reading was probably 13th century porn but no one wants to admit it so we call it literature and read it in class?!
If you're wondering, yes, I *do* give voice to my "outrageous" opinions. It lightens things up after all ;P
I had to get that off my chest.
So here's what I learned today: A knight must love. Oh, but it's not enough that you love; you must love faithfully. But even that is not enough. You must also love above all else, and yet not love possessively. Your love must be a greater love, a courtly love, to justify an affair. As a knight, you must be noble, fulfill feudal duties and be skilled at arms. You must also be handsome (such an important trait!), must act for correct reasons, and you must be patient.
I'm telling you, whoever came up with that list isn't looking for a knight; he or she is looking for a figment of his or her imagination.
I feel better already ;D
Currently listening to: Better Than Ezra's Beautiful Mistake
Random observation: Can you not see why this class would bug me!? lol.
Replies: 5 peanuts
hahah oh tiffy, miss hearin about your classes first-hand, but i guess this will have to do! i can just see you sitting there, i'd love to see your face lol and i pretty much agree with you, we analyse WAY too much, sometimes things just are the way they are! oh, and good luck with all the love talk and gibberish!! be good, get sleep and say hi to everyone for me pls =)
Posted by punks @ 05/06/2024 10:12 AM GMT
punkila: lol. I am so not cut out for that class ;P
I've been good! No prancing about naked or anything! Have a quiz due monday and a paper due two weeks from now though. And btw, Bette sent an email about teh new girl; hope you got it. Let me know.
hope that work's been good *hug*
Posted by t @ 05/06/2024 03:59 PM GMT
o/~ tonight .. is the knight, that I'm feeling alright ... we'll be making love the whole knight throughhhhhhh .. cause I'm savin all my love for youuuuuuuu! o/~
i get tears just thinking about how beautiful
Posted by gt @ 05/06/2024 06:51 PM GMT
miss tiffany:
my lease is up and im moving out in 2 weeks, so i wont be around for a while...accomplishing the things i stated in my email (did you receive it? i got a failure notice, so i resent it). once that is done i shall return. hopefully a proper person, after i attend Ms. Patricia Porter's School for Proper Young Women and learn how to be a proper young woman and walk with a book on my head in high heels....?? wtf?
anyhow, ill be back...when i return we'll talk a bunch on MSN like we used to! :) ,if you want...
Posted by The Moron @ 05/06/2024 08:43 PM GMT
yeah i got the email and the girl emailed me, so i told her we'd be up on the 15th and i think she's gonna come check the place out that weekend =) at work my email account is under brewster, brewster.... smooth guys. lol work is aight, i think i have a pinched nerve or something in my neck so it's buggin me, and they're gettin me to do all the shit jobs, but other than THAT! ;) see you soon hun, good luck with the work!
Posted by brewster, brewster @ 05/07/2024 12:52 PM GMT