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My need for personal space and the constant arrangement and re-arrangment of furniture in said space remains, perhaps, one of my more extreme oddities.

Today, I re-arranged my furniture (surprise, surprise!), even though it will be only another two weeks before I have to move to that house on Aylmer for the rest of summer. And I really don't know why I do it anyway, heh.

Just realized how much I truly censor myself with family. My niece added me to her MSN list today, and I believe her first words upon viewing my display picture (which featured a passed-out Ghettoball hugging a litre of Absolut Mandrin) was, "WAH!!".

The picture seems a lot less funny with my niece viewing it :P

It's been a good 24 hours. I got to talk to a couple of people I haven't spoken to in ages, the weather's cooled considerably, our soon-to-be-new roommate seems really nice and I'm wearing my favourite pair of jammies. Decided to call Kai on a whim, and we yakked for almost an hour over the inane.

Friends come and go, your self stays behind.

Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Let That Be Enough
Random observation: growing up is interesting to see.