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"I hate moving"
How is it remotely possible that it's already the end of May?
Lease ends next week, so once again, it's time to pack up and move out, ugh. Punky's here for the weekend to help clear out the house.
Two weeks ago, my room was clean. Even neat.
Now it looks like this:
Oh, since I'm at it, a (bad) shot of the the prints I bought from John almost two years ago.
A bunny I saw hippity-hopping all over the place on my way to Traill today. Wild bunny, maybe?
Our very own American Idol. Harold impersonating George Huff, hee.
I have Incubus concert pictures somewhere. Am currently too lazy to dig 'em out. Maybe after I move.
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Sorry
Random observation: I found more vodka!