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"Aced it!"

Three good things ;D

1. I've got gmail! (well, you should've gathered that from the last post). Thankie sooks ;D
2. After a technical mix up, I finally aced a quiz; perfect score, yay!
3. Rearranged my room again, hiaks.

Okay, so the quiz is only worth 5% of my final grade, but I'm still happy, heh. It was a glossary test, and I received a 4.5 initially, but after some quick checking (and with Clarke egging me on) I decided to try my luck with Kendra. I was using a different edition of the text, hence a slightly different glossary, but since it was still edited by Tolkien and Gordon, she relented and gave me my remaining .5%, wee!!

Feel like I actually accomplished something today.

We had another quiz tonight (our last, thank goodness). Have a 3000 word paper due next Wednesday, and I have yet to sort my travel stuff, bleh. I seriously need to do laundry; am running out of clothes!

Had a very enlightening conversation with Peter, caught up with Katherine Curle (I love this woman!) and even popped by to thank that dude in Admissions who fasttracked my letter and stuff to me ;D

*hums to self*

It was a hot and muggy day today, so I traipsed around Peterborough in shorts and a tee shirt. Unfortunately, I forgot that the Patch has screwy weather, and the sudden temperature drop in the evening had me scrambling for cover after class.

I feel like a banana smoothie with some Absolut Vanilia thrown in.

Currently listening to: Frank Sinatra & Bono's I've Got You Under My Skin
Random observation: Kayla, I still can't get that song! :/

Replies: 4 peanuts

I don't know what to say tiff...I found it pretty easily. Have fun in NJ!

Posted by Kayla @ 06/15/2004 08:54 AM GMT

still no luck. maybe winmx hates me. well i hate you too winmx!!

*evil glare*

kayla: g'luck with the job hunt.

Posted by t @ 06/15/2004 02:37 PM GMT

Yo Tiff, hook me up with some gmail lovin! :)

It's im-fucking-portant

Posted by Chris @ 06/18/2004 08:18 PM GMT

Chris! lol. Damnit, you should've told me earlier! I'm out, but I'll ask around for ya.

Posted by t @ 06/19/2004 12:37 AM GMT