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"Cravings and mind games"

Am faced with a sudden craving for something sweet, like ice cream. Come to think of it, when was the last time I had some?


There is no way I went two months without eating ice cream... ahah! Dinner at Hot Belly Mama's. Right? Right. Woah. That was back in.. April! Shit. And all the stores are closed at the moment. Hmm. To make a run to Mac's or not?

Just booked my flight to Jersey. That's a big no to Mac's then. Super-short trip for 400 bucks; must make the most of it.

Roger sent me this link, and it took me a good 40 minutes to figure the damn thing out. Playing this helped a lot, as the initial pictures in the article confused me.

Currently listening to: Better Than Ezra's Desperately Wanting
Random observation: I spend too much :/

Cravings update:
I love my blender. Superthick peanut butter banana smoothie, ahhh!! ;D

Replies: 4 peanuts

cookies & cream!
ice cream ice cream with chocolate brownies.
ice cream with apple strudel
ice cream with apple crumble
ice cream with chocolate cake

its lunch time ;)!

Posted by von @ 06/16/2004 11:45 PM GMT


I'll be posting some smoothie recipes for ya soon.

Posted by t @ 06/16/2004 11:56 PM GMT

nice ;)
i make sure i grab the blender from the neighbour. i like the beville with the tap.

did audrey dye her hair again?
remember seeing her once after she got back from nj with the tri-colours.

Posted by von @ 06/17/2004 01:52 AM GMT

von: i have a picture of her with flaming red/orange/brown hair, taken two weeks ago. will send it to you the next time i catch you online. or maybe i'll post it, hiaks.

it's 4.36am, and i still can't find my passport.

i am beyond fucked.

Posted by t @ 06/17/2004 04:36 AM GMT