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"A remarkable woman"

A'ight, so it's still no work done, and no sign of the missing passport either. Went to 704 this afternoon, but it looks like the landlord's away. E-mailed them; am crossing my fingers that they'll be in over the weekend at the very least.

*pulls hair*

It hasn't been a bad day though. On the contrary, in fact.

Was going to stop by 210 on my way over, and coincidently bumped into Althea and her mom who were heading downtown. Ended up joining them for a quick lunch before we walked back to 210.

Althea gave me one of her graduation photos for safekeeping, and I whiled away the afternoon talking nineteen to the dozen with her mom. She's such a nice lady; she was an English major, and a teacher by profession, and probably one of the very few people who... just has a quality about her. We talked for hours, and what struck me immediately was her love for not just people, but humanity as a whole. People weren't just random faces, or a figure on TV and in the news; people were individuals with families and loved ones, individuals with dreams and hopes and pain, and it was a marvel to meet someone who could speak so compassionately for strangers, for a community, for others.

I was, quite simply, blown away.

You don't meet a person like her every day.

I probably made any and every faux pas imaginable in our conversation, and I blame it entirely on my lack of communication with humanity for the past three weeks, aside from random superficialities and class time ;)

Wisdom truly comes with experience, and Mrs. Joyce Wilson reminded me that compassionate people, individuals with respect and humility for self and others, people who truly care, who have strong morals, a conscience and ideals, still walk this earth. That we are not all cynical, that we can still believe in the good of many, that there is a power uncorruptable, in all of us.

I felt very young talking to her.

A month ago, I met Althea's mom. Today, I met a remarkable woman, with a daughter who will no doubt walk in her footsteps.

I feel, oddly, blessed, to cross paths with them.

Currently listening to: U2's Walk On
Random observation: too much caffeine today.

Replies: 5 peanuts

disappointed not to have spoken to her more, looking forward to africa, hoping to follow in her footsteps, as well. why oddly blessed? and still no passport?? =( saw deandra and those boys yesterday, she's leaving for real on sunday... says she's going to africa even if althea doesn't lol so i'm glad to hear her mum's so amazing, at least we won't be stuck on the street! =P

Posted by punkila @ 06/18/2004 12:24 PM GMT

punky: oddly, because some days you just never expect to meet such an individual :)

still no passport; joel hasn't been home. crossing my fingers he'll be in this weekend.

Posted by t @ 06/18/2004 02:11 PM GMT

Miss Tiff,

How be one of the most kind and lovely and beautiful souls i have ever had the fortune to meet?
finished album...well, i lied...everything is done but im going to the studio next week to finish the vocal overdubs. then we mix it, i send it to be mastered, then duplicated, then - dare i say - it will be complete.


other than that, nothing new. same old same old.

i miss talking to you. i feel like an asshole. ive been so busy lately and have driven nearly 1000 miles in two weeks...back and forth between friends' places and the studio in different states...ive not had time. not an excuse, i know, but it's the reason...well, i hope you're doing all right. i hope you are smiling, thinking, listening, singing, loving, watching, waking, dreaming...living.

All can be beautiful.


-Mr. Me

Posted by f-f-frrreak ! ! ! @ 06/18/2004 07:48 PM GMT

Ok so this really doesn't belong here.....but Tiff the drink is called absolut cut...I saw it on TV

Posted by Kayla @ 06/18/2004 11:54 PM GMT

s! check yer mailbox ;D ;D ;D

kayla: thanks for letting me know ;D

Posted by t @ 06/19/2004 12:34 AM GMT