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"E-mail and pictures"
Decided to open another gmail account for hatemail and such. I can now be reached here. The more legit account shall be reserved for school and stuff. And no uncle, highmaintenance@ does not belong to me, heh. That's fuzzy's lah. By the way, I kept a gmail invite for you; let me know if you want it.
Ah, and class pictures. Well, it was Barb's presentation, and she went all out with decorations, costumes, gifts and a feast to boot. Lucky me had a camera in hand, so it was snap-snap-snap 'til class started. Here's a select few:
Group photo; am too lazy to name everyone.
"Sir Gawain", "The Green Knight", Gord and "King Arthur", also known as Clarke, unidentified child, Gord and Patrick.
Amber, "Dame Ragnell" and Kendra.
Food! This was before I hit the table for strawberries and cookies; taken during the lecture, which probably earned me a dirty look from Kendra, hiaks. I studiously avoided eye contact :P
Who said summer classes were boring? ;D At the end of the lecture and presentation, Barb gave "medieval" trinkets out, and I picked a little jewelry box for keeps.
Am trying to keep photos to a minimum, as I don't want to burden sooks' hosting costs. As such, old links will be removed periodically.
I have extra gmail invites up for grabs. Leave a peanut or an email.
Time to get back to work.
Currently listening to: Counting Crows' Accidently in Love
Random observation: So much to do, so little time.
Replies: 9 peanuts
Hey tiffy I want a g-mail account. Also...I am applying to jobs in Toronto. fun!
Posted by Kayla @ 06/23/2004 01:16 PM GMT
I am wondering what g-mail is?
Posted by Franky girl @ 06/24/2004 05:10 AM GMT
Posted by sooks @ 06/24/2004 06:20 AM GMT
I want g-mail please invite thanks!
Posted by sharon @ 06/25/2004 06:46 AM GMT
my girl really needs one for her dance company if you have any extras! =)
Posted by punks @ 06/25/2004 12:58 PM GMT
Hey tiff never mind, I got one from Chris...besides Sharon is more deserving.
Posted by Kayla @ 06/27/2004 05:51 PM GMT
Ok, I've just got invited. So...that's what it is! And I thought it has something to do with g-strings! Bummer!
Posted by franky girl @ 06/27/2004 10:29 PM GMT
hey tiff, dont worry abt hosting costs -- after this expires in dec, q is hosting me for free. whee! im gonna set up something for you. anyway, you're not taking much space (being fivefootnothing and all) hehe
Posted by steph @ 07/03/2024 05:53 AM GMT
sharon: sent it!
punky: ask her to email me at [email protected]
kayla: a'ights ;D hope to catch you online soon.
franky girl: lol.
sooks: ahaha! thanks you *hug*
Posted by t @ 07/03/2024 04:37 PM GMT