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Leaving in t minus 4 hours.
Will be back in a week and a half.
Pearly, I forgot to bring your number with me, so if you could email it over that would be great!
Dear world,
I am the ultimate scatterbrain.
...but I'm a scatterbrain on holiday, hah!
P/S: Will respond to peanuts when I got back. Sorry, am running out of time as it is.
Replies: 6 peanuts
(oops??) I want g-mail please invite thanks!
Posted by sharon @ 06/25/2004 06:47 AM GMT
I am buying tickets to Rock The Island!!
Posted by sharon @ 06/25/2004 06:47 AM GMT
i sent an email from hotmail to gmail...cuz i set up a gmail account but for some reason i wasnt able to send an outgoing email without the page timing-out...
so i sent you an email explaing all that from hotmail instead...so now im wondering if hotmail filtered that and didnt allow me to send it, since your email was gmail.
well now, that was entirely too wordy...
bahhh....things are dumb.
Posted by meeeeeeee mememememe me me meee @ 06/26/2004 01:39 PM GMT
oh, you are on vacation...
haha i should learn to read first, then post.
Posted by me @ 06/26/2004 01:40 PM GMT
Hey tiffers, where were you? o_O Had fun? =]
Posted by p3arLy @ 06/28/2004 01:55 PM GMT
sharon: show off! *phbtttt!!* lol. sent you an invite; check your hotmail junkmail folder for it; it usually gets filtered there.
s! i hope gmail's working for ya. you need to get online *evil look*
pearly: i was at delaware water gap hiking my ass off, pretending to camp (when really it's all about moving house outdoors, according to my cousins) and basically getting eaten alive by bugs, lol. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet up; maybe in dec? ;D
Posted by t @ 07/03/2024 04:42 PM GMT