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"Ultimate scatterbrain"
...so there's a reason why I'm called that, eh?
This trip is probably the epitome of my braindead state, and I'm actually lucky I didn't forget my tickets, flight number, or name for that matter.
What I *did* forget was my US currency (which, I might add, I rushed to change that very afternoon before I left), Marianne and Shahnon's phone numbers, Pearly's phone number, my prof's email adress, the package of stuff I put together for Audrey to bring home, Alice's CDs, George's pastries, my fruit smoothie that was my dinner and finally, my brain.
...and all this was *before* I left the country.
I reached Toronto a quarter past midnight, and flew to Jersey the next afternoon. In the process, I left my glasses and rings at Marianne's. I also forgot to get her number (again), but at least I remembered to buy Alice some kinda raisin bread she wanted from Chinatown.
Fast forward to my trip coming back; didn't leave anything in Jersey (that I know of). I think I was actually okay there. Wait, no. Something happened, but haha, here's the clincher: I don't remember. All I recall is Alice and Audrey laughing at me. Or yelling. It was either.
So yeah. I landed in Toronto, and I was suppose to call Marianne, and hey, guess what? I don't have her number! And no, I don't have Shahnon's either! So here I am, stuck in downtown Toronto. I remember vaguely where her place is at, but since there was a little internet kiosk that costs a bomb at the terminal, I tried a couple of searches over Canada 411. Obviously that didn't work, so I sent an SOS email to the both of them in the hopes that they'd check their mail.
25 minutes later, I decided to try my luck and walk to what I thought was the direction of her place, and I must've done something right in my past life, 'cause guess who I bumped into on my way to Marianne's? ;D That's right, Marianne and Shahnon. They'd received my email and were on their way to get me, hehe.
All in all, despite being so damn blur, things worked out. So yay!
...and that is my report on absolute scatterbrainness. I'll tell you about my trip later. It's a doozy, I promise!
Replies: 2 peanuts
ok well that's ok then I GUESS... miss you baby t you should come visit soooon ok? althea's around for a while still and needs people to play with =P glad you got back safe, talk to you soon!!
Posted by p @ 07/05/2024 02:48 PM GMT
we keep missing each other over msn ;P
Posted by t @ 07/05/2024 08:22 PM GMT