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J: ...hear me out, and we can vote on a yea or nay after that, or if you want to make changes, anything, I'm totally open to ideas, this is just a suggestion, yada yada... and I was thinking, we'd do it this way, and she could be like a soap star, yada yada...so whatcha think?
J2: Well, I like that idea, but I was thin...
J: no no no, you have to see it like this and that and yada yada yada..
T: *mentally pictures self strangling J*
D: how about if w..
J: No, this way, you see, I like it like that, and I don't want to change it, and your idea just won't work, andand yadayadayada...
T: *mentally pictures self throwing rocks at J. No wait, am sitting next to her. Mentally pictures self hitting her in the face with aforementioned rock*
J: T? You okay with it?
T: I want to see where D was going...
J: No, but you have to listen, this will work, and yadayadayada...so I will play the princess, J2 will play the sister, D will play the prophet, and T will be the bitch..
*gasps from J2 & D*
D: No no no, how could you...
T: excellent. I love playing the bitch! *grins at D*
J: I was just kidding! Anyway, we'll yada yada yada...
*shakes head*
Bitchy? I haven't even started ;D Maybe tomorrow *sharpens claws*