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Temperature's dropped to 15C tonight.

Finally watched Shrek 2; the first half was okay, but things started looking up when Pinnochio et al pulled the Mission Impossible stunt ;D

The chorus from Five For Fighting's One More For Love is just too pretty for words.

Here's a tip: if you want a gmail invite and have no one to bug, sign up with Blogger if you haven't already. They're offering gmail accounts to active Blogger users. Alternatively, you can email me at theycallmegod@gmail; I still have a few lying around.

I want to go home. A close friend is getting married, and damnitall, I can't be there :/

Ah well, made my decision a long time ago, and I'm sticking by it.

Currently listening to: Better Than Ezra's Extra-ordinary
Random observation: Punkila, check your email!

Replies: 2 peanuts

15 C? That's perfect hibernating weather ;)

Shrek 2 rocked! Well worth the admission price :)

Posted by infinitium @ 07/09/2024 01:11 AM GMT

lol. this is just summer; wait till winter when it hits -40 and below ;P now *that's* hibernating weather!

I dl'ed it, hehe. not as clear, but good enough ;D

Posted by t @ 07/09/2024 11:42 PM GMT