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"Humanity 101"
I was right the first time.
A verbal disagreement almost got out of hand today, woo. One of my classmates happens to be an American, and she took offence to what the prof was saying about the failing concept of democracy and elections, using America as an example. Unfortunately for her, a feisty Canadian wouldn't stand for her rudeness, lol.
Aiyah, my prof said Malaysian bookies were counting their profits from the recently ended Euro Cup, implying that Malaysia was nothing more than a gambling den with a Constitution. Big deal. I even threw up my hands and said, 'Yep, those people are counting their hard earned money!". It's true wat! And he said Holland played a poor game against Portugal. The Dutch girl, an avid footie fan, just laughed and shook her head. Hey, they lost, didn't they?
According to this little chica, she "cannot tolerate any anti-American sentiments at all". Well missy, it's with that kind of attitude and jackass stubborness that gets you into shit in the first place. Hell, it's like wearing a tee shirt that says "Poke Me & Die!". Damnit, of course people are going to poke you! It would be almost wrong if they didn't! (Not that I agree with it, but hell, what can you do eh?) You're not the first, nor will you be the last to come from a different country and face prejudice and sweeping judments.
Damn man, did I ever tell you about the guy who thought I lived in trees?
So whaaaaat. Everybody makes generalizations. It may be inaccurate, it may be rude, but jeez, just plaster a smile on your face and call it a day, okay? Or even if you want to correct them, do it with a little sense of humility and humour; people react better to that than sheer agression. It doesn't help when you get all pissy and go onnn and onnnnn about how people are so mean to you because of your nationality.
Heck, people call me a little terrorist all the time. Again, so what!?
If I seem miffed, it's because of this. I was fine throughout her little tirade. Hey, she's just voicing how she feels. Good for her! After all, I try to subscribe to the thought of Voltaire, who said, "I [may] disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". My prof was very understanding, and apologized if he insulted her sense of nationalism. He told her it was just an example, not of America specifically, but all concepts of democracy. He just chose America because their elections were coming up. She could have accepted that apology graciously and let it go, but nooooo, she started picking on how she felt victimized in class, and how no one ever picked on Italians or Malaysians. Huh. I think he was losing his cool, so he ended it with the ever-diplomatic, "you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine". Now here's the clincher that made my blood boil. She retorted, "No. You're not entitled to that!".
*throws Voltaire out the window*
What are you? TWO!?
Listen, regardless of how you may feel about whatever a person is saying, who the fuck are you say that that he or she is not entitled to an opinion? Really now, that just pisses me off, that some people could be so stupidly arrogant as to think that they have certain rights while others don't. Well, a big FUCK YOU to you! What? Because he's an educator, he's not allowed to voice his personal view? While I agree that people of influence should remain as neutral as possible on certain subjects, if there is acceptance within the class that there is not wrong or right, that everyone has a different perspective and view, and that we, as students, are entitled to such freedom of thought and speech, WHY THE HELL SHOULD THE PROF BE EXCLUDED FROM SUCH A RIGHT?!
*takes a deep breath*
The irony of the situation? What I'm saying totally negates the argument that I am fighting for, heh.
So what now? Should I think that it is okay for her to think and want the prof to not have an opinion? But just the thought of that pisses me off! Or do I think that what she thinks is wrong, that it's wrong to even think that? And if I do think that it's wrong for her to think that, wouldn't that make me the Thought Nazi as I think I'm making her out to be? Wouldn't that thought turn me into that which I detest? Isn't this too complicated and don't you feel completely woozy by all these thoughts that I'm making you think? ;)
Personally, I think that humanity is inherently hypocritical. We cannot constantly judge, review and double check our actions and/or words, let alone others, and as much as we'd like to believe that our faiths and opinions are absolute, they're not. We will always make exceptions, we will always bend the rules. For anything and everything.
We are fallible.
So yeah. The part that got interesting (sorry, I always go on tangents, hehe). After her rude remark, the prof just smiled, wished everyone a good day and left the classroom. THEN one of the Canadian students (who looked mighty pissed, I might add) stood up and told her off for being rude to the prof. What ensued was a heated exchange, ending with the Canadian yelling at the American before one stormed out. One of the nosier classmates reported later that there were tears shed, but they were, umm, discussing it outside.
Drama! *throws hands in the air!* This is supposed to be theory of theatre people!
Which reminds me, our production goes on tomorrow, and after that, no more staying back an extra two hours everyday, yay!
I don't know, maybe she was just PMSing. Maybe they were both were PMSing. Maybe I'm PMSing too.
[whine] I'm tired. I don't want to think anymore! [/whine]
Conclusion? Fair enough, if you think he can't say something, fine. I think he can. If you think you can yell at him, that means I can defend him too, right? Plus, I get to yell at you!
Logic is like Math. It makes me sleepy and confused.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Look Away
Random observation: I haven't called home in 2 weeks. Shame on me.
Replies: 6 peanuts
boy, that was long :)
off to bed you go! leave finicky arguments for another day!
Posted by infinitium @ 07/14/2004 05:39 AM GMT
I read your blog ah, so DRAMA one! ahahaha! MY blood also got boil lor!
Posted by Marianne @ 07/14/2004 10:58 AM GMT
hiaks, I didn't even realize what a long post it was until I posted it.
j: i know i know ;P
marianne: hahaha! that's what I was thinking, lol. for a sec there i really thought those two were gonna have a go at it; i was even reaching for my camera, hiaks. but yahla, blood also boil right? *bangs head on desk*
Posted by t @ 07/14/2004 11:33 AM GMT
damn woman! long day eh!? lol what a crazy chick... i think it was ok for her to defend herself, but not rudely cause that's just being disrespectful to the prof and cutting off opportunities for an actual discussion. what a spaz... stupid americans! =P
Posted by p @ 07/14/2004 12:47 PM GMT
Well I never get involved in politics but here's my two cents. I must say I can kind of see where the girl is coming from...right now the whole world hates her country for something that she isn't directly responsible for (which must be demoralizing after a while). However, that in no way gave her the right to yell and treat the prof like that. If she wants to be treated with respect she should do the same for others.
I do think think the Canadian attitude towards Americans is somewhat sad. Where I work the friendliest customers come from the states and have always gave us the best tips. In fact the customers that give us the most trouble are either from Elliot Lake (retirement town up the road) or Toronto (punky, I still like you and other ppl from Toronto, its a great city, would like to live there actually , its just everytime we have to do an eviction the ppl are from TO, and btw I'm not saying there are no stupid americans, because there are, but there are also stupid Canadians and stupid Italians and....). Ok and now I have started rambling so its time to end this post....if you don't understand what I'm saying ask and I'll explain more.
Posted by Kayla @ 07/14/2004 05:18 PM GMT
punkila: it was, lol.
kayla: i totally agree with you about her having the right to defend herself. like i said, it wasn't her defence that made me mad, it was her attitude towards the prof and her snotty remark that he didn't have a right to an opinion. I mean, this guy is the Chair of the Department, and he APOLOGIZED to her. Hehe, you have to picture this old old guy in shorts and an old denim shirt whose personality is just SO laid back. He's always smiling and is very soft spoken (slightly effeminate notes ;P), which just made her reaction to him stand out even more. Also, criticism on a country's politics does not stand as a personal attack. As you said, if she wants to be treated with respect, she should do the same to others.
All in all, the way I see it, stupidity knows no boundaries, nationalities or race for that matter. We're just people, and some days we act worse, and on others we act better.
anyway, class was back to normal today. both girls involved in the 'fight' said very little, if nothing at all, and the rest had a good time.
Thanks for your 2 cents guys ;D I hope to catch you both online soon!
Posted by t @ 07/14/2004 05:49 PM GMT